Allyson Rutherford

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,,April, you need to talk to me, i know something is going on.'' Isabelle looked really worried.
April was staring at the big white walls in Isabelle's office, even if she liked Isabelle, she wouldn't tell her anything.
Even if Isabelle was there for her more than her own mother ever was.
2 hours earlier Isabelle hugged April while sitting on a lavender field, 2 hours earlier Isabelle saved April and gave her a feeling of comfort again.
After sitting there they slowly got up and started walking back to the school building.
Isabelle didn't say anything, but evertime April looked at her, Isabelle softly smiled.
Then they arrived in Isabelle's office and since then April was just sitting there and staring at this one white wall.
Then April finally said something, no, she whispered the words:
,,Can i go to my room please? I'm tired.''
Isabelle wanted to know what was happening in Aprils life, but she wanted April to feel good, so she did let her go to her room.

When April opened the door of her room, she noticed that someone was in there. First she was scared, but then she remembered Isabelle telling her, she'd get a roommate.
When April entered the room a girl came out of the bathroom, this girl was the opposite of April.
Aprils hair was brown with red streaks and short, this girl's hair was white blonde and long.
The girl wore a red dress and high knee boots, while April was wearing a grandpa sweather, a black skirt, ripped tights and Dr. Martens.
,,Oh, hey, i'm Allyson, but you can call me Ally. I guess we're roommates now.'' Ally looked straight into Aprils face and April noticed, that Ally had the most beautiful blue eyes, light and shining.
But not only Allys eyes were beautiful, for April Ally looked wonderful, everything about her was perfect.
,,Hey, i'm April, i'm happy that im finally not alone anymore.'' The girls smiled at each other and were both looking forward for their time together.

April couldn't fall asleep again, she hated this so much. She didn't want go outside again, because the last both times she was outside it was horrible, but without fresh aur she couln't possibly fall asleep.
,,April, are you awake?'' Ally sat up, even at night she looked stunning.
,,Yes, i can't sleep again, you too?'' April loved talking at night, she felt good while talking to Ally.
,,Yea, i wanted to ask you, why are you here? I mean, everyone is here for a reason, right? Your parents don't just send you go a boarding school so far away.'' Ally was right, everyone was there for a reason.
,,I was doing a lot of shit, partying all night, getting drunk and high, i skipped school and often just woke up in places i've never seen before. I just fucked up my life, i think nothing is going to be fine again.''
April was telling Ally all those things, she didn't hear any voices in her head, nothing.
,,Yeah, life is shit. I ran away with my boyfriend because i was so sick of my family, but he cheated on me and i had to go back to my parents. I was a missing person for 2 weeks, after i came back they immediately send me to this school.'' April could see in Allys eyes, that she was hurt, so could Ally. They both shared pain, not the same, but they could help each other really well.
,,You wan't to come over to me?'', Ally asked while pointing on a place next to her. April got up and sat down next to her.
,,You know what? I am kinda happy to be here. I mean, of course i'd be happier if my life turned another way, but this is so much better than all those parties, drugs, boys.'' April smiled, she really liked Ally.
,,Yes, i am so happy to have you as my roommate. We will get through all our problems and issues, everything will be alright.'' Ally's words were warming Aprils heart, she felt so comfortable around her.
,,We'll have a great time here, together.'' April smiled.
Ally also smiled while saying:
,,You promise?''
,,I promise.'', April said as her eyes slowly closed and her head felt on Ally's shoulder.

the beginning of an end | sarah paulson as IsabelleWhere stories live. Discover now