close moment

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April opened her eyes and reallised, she was still in the middle of a hallway. She didn't want to go back to Katie, never, but she also didn't want to go to her room, so she just sat down on the floor and closed her eyes.
,,You know you're not supposed to be here, right?''
Isabelle sat next down to her.
,,I know and i'm sorry, i just really don't want to go to my room.'' April said without any emotions.
,,Did something happen?'' Isabelle asked, she kept being calm, even if April broke the school rules.
,,No, nothing happened, i just wanted to be alone.''
April closed her eyes again.
,,April, i know something is going on, i really wanna help you, you can tell me everything.'' Isabelle's blue eyes were sparkling, she smiled softly, it was the smile that made April feel so many things.
,,One day i'll tell you.'' April smiled but Isabelle looked like she didn't believe her.
,,I promise.'' April was starring at the white wall, a tear slowly ran down her cheek.
Then Isabelle wiped the tear out of Aprils face and said: ,,Everything will be alright, my dear.''
April slowly put her head on Isabelle's shoulder, she thought Isabelle would leave or say something about it, but she just let it happen and stroked April's head.
They were sitting there, not saying a word and not knowing what time it is, April and Isabelle didn't care about the fact, that people could see them, they just enjoyed the moment. For April it was something special, she definetely felt something for Isabelle, but she would never admit it.
April knew that Isabelle wasn't as soft and kind around other students as she was around her, but that was probably because April always got into trouble and she wouldn't talk to anyone, it was Isabelle's job to care about her.
,,April, i totally forgot about the time, it's already 5am.'', Isabelle said, while she fastly got up.
,,You didn't have any sleep and it's your first real school day.''
,,It's alright, i'm not tired.'' April also got up and was kinda embarassed, because of the clothes she was wearing.
,,Aren't you cold?'' Isabelle asked, while looking at Aprils white and a bit transparent shirt.
Then she took off her silk bathrobe and gave it to April. It was smelling so good, April put it on and saw, that now Isabelle was wearing only silk shorts and a silk top, that was the hottest thing that April ever saw, Isabelle in a pyjama.
,,I have to go April, but please go to bed, you can sleep for the first 3 lessons, because i just can't let you go to school without sleep.'' And so Isabelle left, April didn't know why she was walking around in the school at night, but she was happy Isabelle found her.
April decided to go to her room, she was tired and exhausted, she really hoped that she wouldn't have the same classes as Katie.
She opened the door of her room and quietly walked in, Ally was still asleep, after a couple of minutes April also fell asleep.

April woke up because she heard something, she opened her eyes and saw someone opening the door. First she was a little bit scared but then she saw that it was Isabelle.
,,Good morning, i just wanted to see if you are still asleep.'', Isabelle said while walking into the room.
,,I just woke up, i'll be ready in like 20 minutes.'' April got up and started brushing her hair.
,,I acctually wanted to talk to you about something.'' Isabelle closed the door and sat down on Allys bed, she looked concerned.
,,Oh, what is it about?'' April put on a black hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, because she was cold, she kinda didn't care about the fact, that Isabelle was sitting next to her.
,,April, i'm really worried about you.'' Isabelle had a really cold and meaningless look on her face.
,,Where did you spend the night?'' she asked.
,,I was in my room and in the hallway, as you should know, why?'' April didn't understand why Isabelle was asking that, she tried to be nice but everything was just pissing her off for no reason.
,,Don't lie to me, i know you were in Katies room, she told me you had a sleepover and then you just disappeared.'' Isabelle was different, she used to be soft and nice.
,,I'm sorry, i know we're not allowed to, i promise i won't do it again.'' April was really mad at Katie, she promised she wouldn't tell Isabelle about the sleepover and Katie still did.
,,April, i am really disappointed, but i have another question: Why did you leave Katie's room?''
,,As i told you before, i was bored and couldn't sleep.'' April just wanted to leave, she felt really uncomfortable.
,,No, April, don't lie to me, i know something happened. I am really concerned about you, it's the third time i found you having a mental breakdown, i just wan't to help you.'' Isabelle sat down next to April and looked her directly in the eyes.
,,Isabelle, i'm just not ready to talk about it.''
,,I understand that, i really do, but i just wan't to know that you are doing alright.'' Isabelle smiled, as she always did.
,,I'm fine, i'm really okay.'' April said, while looking into Isabelle's soft blue eyes.
Then Isabelle got up and started leaving the room, she was about to go through the door when April remembered all that happened last night.
The thought of Katie touching her was so disgusting, she really didn't want to tell Isabelle but she had to, otherwise she would feel bad.
,,Isabelle, there is acctually something i need to tell you.'' April was nervous, but she just had to talk to Isabelle.

the beginning of an end | sarah paulson as IsabelleWhere stories live. Discover now