lonely nights

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It was late at night, April couldn't sleep because so much was on her mind. She thought a lot about Isabelle, because she really liked her and felt comfortable around her. April really hoped that she only liked Isabelle as a headmistress and as someone like a mother, because falling in love with her headmistress would be so wrong.
After a while April decided to go on a walk, it was 3am and she knew she wasn't allowed to go out that late but she didn't really care, she just wanted to leave this room.
The big entry door made a loude noise while April was opening it, but she was sure no one could't hear her anyway, so she just ignored it.
She was already walking like 10 minutes when she reallised, she didn't know where she was going. April decided to follow the big road, because she didn't want to get lost, she just wanted to go on a quick walk.
It was funny how her life changed in 2 days. Usually she would be on a party right know, getting drunk or doing some other shit. And know she was walking alone at night and thinking about life, just on her oen, without all those toxic 'friends' she was spending every day with.
Now she didn't have any friends, but she didn't need friends, she had Isabelle, right?
But Isabelle was just a headmistress, she had to be nice to any of her students, being nice to April was her job, right?
To many thoughts were going through Aprils head, everything was just to much.
She decided to walk back, but then she reallised, that she lost her way. She was in the woods, she didn't know how she came here and how long she was walking. There was no road, no light, nothing.
Everything was dark, April didn't know where she came from, so she started panicking.
She couldn't breath anymore abd she couldn't do anything about it, she fell on the floor and started crying, April didn't know what was happening, but she couldn't talk or scream, she couldn't move, she couldn't breath.
One last time she thought about Isabelle, about her parents, about her life and then everything slowly went black.

,,Can you hear me, darling?'' April heard someone whisper and opened her eyes, she looked right into Isabelle's beautiful blue eyes.
,,What's going on, where am I?'' April tried to move but her whole body was hurting.
,,Don't move April, everything is alright.'' Isabelle said softly and quietly. She looked at April and smiled, it was that soft smile again, that made April feel so comfortable.
,,I can see you're exhausted, just close your eyes and sleep, everything will be alright.'' April looked into Isabelle's face again and fell asleep.

,,April, stop running, it's to late.'' Someone screamed, but April ignored it, she was running even faster.
,,I'm almost there, i won't be late, i'm almost there.'', April said to herself, while tears were running down her face.
,,I'm not to late, i'm not to late.'' She was repeating on and on.
Then she fell on the floor, she tried to get up but she couldn't. After a while she could finally move again, she got up and started running again, but she ran into someone, who took her hand and didn't let her go.
,,Stop, i won't be late, let me go.'' April was panicking, she was screaming.
,,April, she did it, you're to late.''

,,April, can you hear me?'' April woke up in a light room, tears were still running down her face, she couldn't remember anything.
,,What's happening, why am i crying?'' She didn't understand anything, she didn't even know who she was talking to.
Then she looked to her left and saw Isabelle sitting there, she immediately felt so much better.
,,You had a nightmare, is everything okay?'' And then April remembered everything that happened last night. The walk, how she got lost and also this horrible nightmare.
,,Yes, i'm totally fine, i promise.'' April said while smiling.
,,April, you know you don't have to lie to me, my dear.'' Isabelle said and looked right into Aprils eyes. April wanted to tell Isabelle the truth, but she couldn't, she couldn't trust anyone.
,,I'm alright, i'm not lying. I feel kinda sick but thats all.'' Isabelle still looked like she didn't believe April, but she didn't ask again.
,,You'll stay in your room today, okay?'' Isabelle whispered while touching Aprils cheeck softly.
This touch made April feel things she never did before, never in her life.
,,I'll leave now, i'm sure you need your time, but tomorrow we'll talk, i have to ask you many questions.'' Isabelle said and left the room.

the beginning of an end | sarah paulson as IsabelleWhere stories live. Discover now