the party (1)

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,,My dear, wake up, we're here.'' April heard a voice and fastly opened her eyes. Isabelle was still sitting next to her and putting her book into her bag, while looking at April, Isabelle was probably the only person who would take a book to a party.

April heard someone calling her name, while everyone got up and started leaving the bus.
She turned around and saw Ally at the back of the bus, waving at her.
,,April, where did you sit in the bus, whe couldn't find you.'' Ally said loudly so April could hear it.
,,I was somewhere in the front, i don't really know.'' April said while Ally appeared next to her.
,,Did you sit alone?'' Ally smiled like she knew April sat next to Isabelle.
,,Yeah, i was alone, who should i have sat with?'' April looked around but Isabelle was gone, she probably left the bus already.
,,Nevermind, let's just have fun tonight, are you guys ready?'' Ally said and everyone said: ,,Yes!''

Everyone got out of the bus and started entering a big house, a typical 'party house'.
,,Where are we here?'' Ally asked, she was new at the school so she obviously didn't know.
,,It's a community house or something, we often have our partys here or at another house.''Ava said, she seemed like she was into funny stuff like that.
,,Yeah, there are also 2 other schools who join us, with hot boys and girls.'' Camila said, Claire looked at her with an angry but funny look so she added: ,,Sorry Claire, you're the only hottie in my life.'' Everyone smiled, Cami and Claire were the cutest couple ever.
In the garden next to the house were people, already drunk or even worse. April didn't want to drink, she really had to stay sober.
April and Ally really liked the house, it was really messy but clean it would've been amazing, this looked a lot like the house April always wanted to live in when she was little, when she was just a kid.
Loud music was playing, everywhere were people April didn't know, but she was with her friendgroup and luckily she had Ally.
The whole group was walking trough a hallway to the big kitchen because Ava said the hot people were hanging out there.
Marija and Ally sat down on a red sofa and April, Camila and Ava were standing behind them. People were walking around and everyone was giving around those red cups with alcohol in it, everyone took it except for April. Then Ally took a couple of pills out of her bag and said: ,,Let's have some fun, guys.''
April also took a pill because she didn't want to seem like the boring one, but she put it in her bag and wanted to throw it away later. Nicole and Luna, who also were sitting near by the group, left and walked upstairs. April's friends started getting loud, they were drunk and had a lot of fun, April just looked at them having fun while people around her were running around and giving everyone those red cups.
A guy, who was obviously drunk, came up to April and tried to lean into a kiss. April fastly moved a step away and said: ,,Leave me alone jerk, what do you want from me?''
,,It seems like you're bored, i just wanted you to have some fun.'' He could barely talk, this guy probably had a lot of alcohol to drink.
,,I do have fun'', April took the red cup, filled with something she didn't know, out of his hand and started drinking out of it, after drinking the whole cup she said: ,,Look! I'm having the best time ever, where can i find more of this stuff?''
But when she looked around the guy was gone, everyone she knew was gone. People were talking, laughing but she didn't know anyone. After drinking the one cup she already lost control, she needed another one, so she went to the kitchen and took a random cup, that was standing around there.
She drank that one cup, then another, then maybe 2, 3 or even 4 more, April couldn't remember. She was dancing around with strangers, talking to so many guys and girls, no, even flirting, April couldn't think clearly, alcohol was really bad for her.
After like 2 hours she found herself sitting on the kitchen floor next to a guy who was asleep.
April got up and she needed a moment to understand where and who she was, she had an awful headache and needed to go to the bathroom. April could barely could walk, she didn't know how she made it to go upstairs but she finally found an unlocked bathroom. She walked trough the door, locked it and sat down on the floor, April was sitting there for like 20 minutes without thinking about anything.
She looked at the white bathroom floor as she reallised what she just did. She promised herself to stay sober, she promised it and she messed up.
,,Fuck'', April said loudly, ,,i lost control again, why?'' She felt awful, April wanted a new beginning and she already messed it up.
,,Why?'' April started crying and repeated it over and over: ,,Why? Why? Why?''
April felt so bad, she just wanted to die and she didn't want to go back to this feeling. She needed something to feel better, first April couldn't think of anything but then she remembered about the pill.
,,It's just one pill, it will not hurt me.'' April thought.
,,Only one pill and i'll be happy for today.''she thought. April tried to stay strong, she teied to avoid taking the pill but her weak side won.
She took the pill out of her bag and looked at it. April was already disgusted by herself, but for today she needed a good feeling so she took the pill, left the bathroom and entered an empty bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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