Fabio LaFont

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,,Isabelle, when i was at Katies room yesterday we had a great time, we talked a lot and it was amazing.'' Isabelle didn't understand why April was telling her this.
,,But then, when we all wanted to sleep, something happened. I felt a touch on my body and at first i didn't think anything of it, but then i reallised Katie was stroking my back and kissind my shoulder. Then she put her hand under my shirt and touched me.''
Isabelle was shoked, she couldn't believe what April just told her.
,,April, are you sure you're talking about Katie, Katie Wright did that to you?''
,,Yes, it was Katie.'' April didn't want to talk anymore, she wanted to leave the room and finally have some breakfast.
,,Can i leave now? I'm hungry and i don't want to be here anymore.'' Isabelle noticed that April changed, the way April talked to her now was cold and distant.
,,April, i'm sorry, i really feel like i failed as a headmistress, i can understand that you want to leave now the school now.'' Isabelle looked really upset and April started feeling bad for her.
,,Of course i'll not leave, this school is so much better than home.'' April opened the door and was about to leave the room, when Isabelle stopped her.
,,April, don't leave, i wan't to talk to you.''
,,Isabelle, i don't want to be rude or anything, but you always wan't to talk, i told you i'm not ready and today i already told you a lot. I don't want to open up to people and also not to you.'' April had a bad day and was mad, but when she reallised how she just talked to Isabelle, she felt really bad.
,,I'm sorry, i didn't want to...'' April tried to say, but Isabelle interrupted her.
,,It's okay, come here April.'' Isabelle said, while leaning in for a hug.
,,Alright, you don't have to talk to me'', Isabelle said and smiled, ,,we can just stand here and say nothing, not any single word.''

Isabelle reallised, that she was hugging one of her students in the middle of her room, she started feeling kinda uncomfortable and wrong.
,,April, i have to go now, please go eat breakfast and after that you have science class.'' She started walking to the door, when she opened it someone was there.
,,Isabelle, i was looking everywhere for you.'' It was a man, he was like 40 years old, had green eyes and brown short hair. He was really tall and muscular, this man looked really italian or spanish, but he was totally not from the US.
April thought he was a teacher or someone who worked in the school, so she didn't really care about him and started getting ready again.
,,Hello my dear, i've missed you a lot.'' Isabelle came closer to that man and kissed him on his lips. April felt like her heart broke into pieces, she could literally feel it breaking.
,,April, that's my husband Fabio LaFont.'' She smiled but had a guilty look on her face, like she did something wrong.
,,Nice to meet you.'' April quietly said, while leaving the room. She walked fastly because it really hurt her seeing how Isabelle loved someone else.
,,April, wait.'' Isabelle started following April, she just left Fabio in the room without thinking about him.
,,Is something wrong?'' Isabelle asked, sometimes she just acted overprotective, what was really annoying.
,,Yes, why are you asking that again?'', April was really pissed, Isabelle didn't have to ask this question all the time.
,,I just wanted to know, i really do care about you.'' Isabelle was really nice and sweet even if April was rude, maybe April meant more to Isabelle than a student should.
,,No, i'm just a student and Isabelle is just doing her job, she has to take care of me '', April said to herself in her mind, ,,Isabelle is married and happy, i can't ruin it.''
Isabelle just left April in the middle of the hallway and walked away so April just left for breakfast and tried to forget the fact, that Isabelle was married.

Ally waved to April, as April entered the dining room.
,,Hey, how was your sleepover?'', Ally asked, she seemed a bit mad.
,,It was alright, why are you asking?'' April wasn't really in the mood for a long conversation with anyone.
,,I just wanted to know, why aren't you sitting with Katie?'' Ally tried to act nice but it didn't really work.
,,Katie is disgusting.'' April didn't want to explain anything and Ally seemed to understand that, so she changed the subject.
,,We wanted to go to a party because tomorrow is a holiday, do you want to come with us?'' Ally smiled and Marja, Ava, Nicole, Luna, Camila and Samuel also did.
,,Because of the sleepover i got into some trouble, i don't want to do something we aren't allowed to again, i'm sorry guys.'' April really wanted to go, but she didn't want to disappoint Isabelle again.
,,Isabelle allowed it, '', Marja said while drinking her orange juice, ,,no, she's acctually coming with us.''
,,Oh, then i'm coming with you too.'' April was really excited for the party.
,,I have to go now, i skipped the first 2 classes and i was almost late for breakfast, see you guys later.''
April got up and started looking for her classroom, but everything she was thinking about was the party. And Isabelle.

the beginning of an end | sarah paulson as IsabelleWhere stories live. Discover now