Cramps - Ben Chilwell

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You groaned as you walked through the living room and into the kitchen. You had a blanket wrapped around you as you heated the little pad in the microwave again. You leaned against the kitchen counter and hummed slightly. Your period was a week late so you just hoped it would take a break for once but not his time.

With the ding of the microwave the front door opened as well and you stuffed it under your hoodie that was actually Bens. "Babe?" you heard him call out while he ruffled around in the hallway. "In the kitchen" you said and hoped on the counter, waiting for him to appear. And he did. With a few quick steps he entered the kitchen and smiled at you. You smiled back and opened your arms instantly. He took the invitation straight away and pushed his arms around you, pressing a long kiss to your lips. "Hmm" you hummed and looked at him while playing with his hair. "Oh what's that?" he asked and pushed his stomach slightly against yours. "My heating pad" you told him and saw how his eyebrows rose. "Oh now I get it" he said and laid his hand on your cheek. "Do you want to take a bath?" he asked and you shook your head slightly. "Oh god no. I'll be swimming on the surface like a boat" you joked and heard him laugh slightly. "Well. I didn't say that. That was you. Just to clarify" he said and lifted you up carefully. "Where does my darling want to go?" he asked and you chuckled against his neck. "Hm. Bed?" you asked and he nodded against your head, carrying you to the bedroom.

Carefully he laid you down and looked at you. You put your hands on your stomach and looked at him. "I hate it when you are that miserable" he said and climbed next to you, carefully pulling you closer. "I think I will be fine this time. Doesn't seem to bed" you mumbled and looked at the hoodie Ben was wearing. "But I would feel even better with that one on" you said and he looked at you with a grin. "Oh yeah? What's the difference between this one and the one you are wearing?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders. "It's warm? Better for me" you told him and he shook his head smiling, sitting up and pulling the hoodie over his head. "Then give me your one" he said and you sat up, repeating his actions and throwing it on the side of the bed. "Whoops" you said while laughing and pulling his shirt over your head. You heard his laugh and felt how he pulled you flat against his bare chest. "Cheeky" he said and tickled your side. You wiggled around and laughed slightly. "Don't know what you mean" you said innocently and hid your face under his chin. Ben carefully rubbed his stubbled chin on your head.

"I'm sorry we can't do anything more interesting today" you mumbled and felt how he pushed his warm hand under the hoodie and onto your stomach. "It's fine. I am a little bit fucked from training anyways" he smiled and you chuckled. "Did you have to run across the field or what was it?" you asked and he turned his head to you. "Yeah that was it. Ten steps and I was dead" he said and you chuckled. "Well then maybe I actually am your perfect trainer" you told him and he pressed a kiss to your temple. "We could try it" he said and you groaned. "God no. Just sleep. I can train you with that" you mumbled and he drew small circles on your stomach. "Then show me, huh? Good night" he whispered and pressed a few kisses to your lips. "Good night, Ben".


The next morning you woke up and groaned out loud. You held your stomach and opened your eyes slowly, seeing Ben had already left and didn't wake you up. You bit down on your lip and slowly sat back up, shaking your head. Period cramps always sucked but this time it felt like you would fall apart. Carefully you made your to the bathroom and then into the kitchen, biting your lip the whole time. "Come on" you whispered to the microwave and took the hot pad out, pushing it to your stomach and leaning your head against the counter. You had no idea how to survive the day.

You didn't even want to make it to the bed again. You turned the heating on and pushed yourself under the pile of blankets, trying to heat yourself up as much as possible. It didn't felt like a minute passed and you pressed your eyes together, trying not to cry. You never wanted to be weak with this but sometimes it even got onto you too hard. The vibration of your phone pulled you out of your concentration but you didn't felt the strength to grab it. You turned around slowly and curled into a ball, trying your best to fall asleep.

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