Cooking like a pro - Mason Mount

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After a long and stressful day at university, you couldn't wait to go outside and home already. Before the class proper ended, you had all the unnecessary things packed away already and when the teacher said a final goodbye, you threw your pen back into your bag and ran down the small stairs with everyone else. It was the time where most students were finished and you hated it to go through them all but you were so ready to get home and change into some leggings and hoodie. You squeezed passed the bodies and mumbled some excuses but when finally saw the light and had the stair behind you, you smiled. To you this meant you had a weekend in front of you and you were ready to just spend it with some learning and laziness.

As you walked along the path, you felt your phone vibrating and you smiled as you looked down at it. You swiped across it and looked at the ground while walking. "Training done, already?" you asked and smiled when you heard his voice again. "I actually am. Put everything in today so I can leave" Mason said and you chuckled. "So you have your starting position for the weekend and an early Friday. Amazing" you told him and stumbled back when you ran into someone. "Fuck sorry" you mumbled and looked up from the ground, just to see Mason standing there. "You should be more careful, love" he said with a laugh and you pushed his shoulder before he pulled you to him and pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "I was scared you would just run home and I would have to drive along" he joked and wrapped his arm around your shoulder while pressing a kiss to your head. "Now I wish that would have happened" you told him and he rolled his eyes. "Oh someone is extra funny isn't she" he said and you jumped in his Mercedes with a laugh. "I am just happy I am done for this week" you told him and watched how he turned the engine on and looked over to you. "I am happy as well. And I got you with me on Sunday. What else can I want?" he asked with a wink and you pulled your leg up. "A happy Mount is all we won't" you joked and he just laughed it away.

Once you were home, you walked straight into the office that you used for your studying and pulled all the books and papers out where you knew you needed to look over them that weekend. Mason was leaning against the door and groaned slightly. "That much, love?" he asked and you sighed. "Ask the teacher. They are just annoying sometimes" you mumbled and felt Masons head on your shoulder. "Do you have a plan already?" he asked and you nodded. "I'll just take a shower and then I'll just read over the main ones. I want a free evening so that should work" you told him and this time he nodded. "Okay. I'll try to help" he said and you smiled. "Thank you" you said and turned to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll just shower quickly" you told him and got rid of your hairband on the way. Mason watched you and you turned around one more time to look at him. He had a pout on his lips and you laughed slightly. "I know that face. Why don't you just come with me?" you asked and that made his pout turn into a grin. "Finally" he groaned and followed you closely which only made you laugh more as you closed the bathroom door.

After your shower you got dressed in one of his hoodies and went back into the office while Mason went into the living room, telling you he would join you soon. So you sat down and went through the first pages, humming to yourself as you tried to focus on the words. You hated rereading more than anything but you knew you had to do it and doing it first was the best thing you could do. And somehow the time passed quicker than you thought. You turned the little lamp on and sighed slightly when you looked around you, papers everywhere. But you got distracted when you heard some steps along the hallway. You turned to the door and saw how Mason opened it and looked at you. "Don't you think, that's enough, love?" he asked and you rubbed your eyes while nodding. "I think you're right" you mumbled and slowly got up and walked towards him. He wrapped his arms around you and walked backwards with you while smiling down at you. "I got some dinner almost ready" he said and your eyes lit up. "Oh you have?" you asked and he nodded. "Your favourite" he told you and you hummed happily while peeking into the kitchen. "God I love you" you mumbled and he laughed slightly. "The way into a woman's heart is through pasta" he said and you hummed again while mixing around in the pasta. "So true" you told him and turned back to him. "I am just going to finish it. Two minutes. Got the table ready" he said and you shook your head slightly. "Thank you" you told him and blew a kiss to him while walking into the dining room.

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