Bruises and crime shows - Ben Chiwell

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You smiled as you heard how the front door of you apartment opened. You listened to the light sounds in the house and closed your book once you heard the steps coming closer. With the smile on your lips you turned you head around and saw Ben standing in the door of the balcony. A gasp left your lips as you saw the red lines on the side of his face. "What the hell happened?" you asked and sat up properly. Before you could get up, Ben joined you on the big sun lounger. "We did a five against five and Christian took it too serious and kicked his shoe right along my face" he explained with a small smile. "Oh god" you whispered and sat closer to him, carefully taking his head in your hands. "It wasn't on purpose but it hurts like hell" he said and groaned when you touched a line. "Sorry. Did you take pain killers? And it's nothing serious right?" you asked concerned but Ben only shook his head. "No I didn't take any and no it's nothing serious. Just need a day for it to away" he said and watched how you got up. "You need some. You can't just hope it will go away all by itself" you told him and looked through the little drawer in the kitchen.

You returned to him and sat in front of him, placing the pill in his hand and holding the glass of water out for him. "Drink it all, okay?" you said and he showed you a thumbs up while drinking. He sat the glass aside and looked at you. The swelling looked even worse like this. You sat in front of him and laid your hand on his other cheek. "I think I will get some ice, okay? And then you relax" you told him and pressed a kiss to his cheek before getting up and looking through the freezer.

When you came back to him you were chuckling a bit. "With a footballer in the house we should have ice ready but. We don't. So here you have broccoli" you said and set next to him, wrapping the package in a towel and carefully pressing it against his head. "Thank you" he mumbled and closed his eyes. "No problem. Now we need to make broccoli tonight" you said and he groaned. "No broccoli please. That's worse than my head" he said and you chuckled. "So dramatic" you told him while shaking your head.

You watched how he closed his eyes and laid down slowly, putting your hand on his shoulder. "Ben. Come here" you whispered and slowly rubbed across his back. Ben turned to you and smiled before lying down and pressing his good side to your shoulder. "This feels better" he mumbled while pressing the broccoli to his cheek. "That's what I thought. Close your eyes for a bit, okay?" you said and he nodded slightly, placing his hand on your side. You grabbed your book again and flicked through some pages before you heard him again. "Can you read it out loud?" he asked and you looked at him, playing with his hair. "You don't know what it is about" you chuckled and he robbed closer. "I just want to hear your voice" he said and you smiled, starting to read out the pages to him.

It didn't take him too long to fall asleep. You looked at him and saw his regular breathing. You put the book to the side and looked up to the sky, seeing the sun still up. You turned back to him and put the ice pack back into place and closing your eyes, following him for a little nap.

You weren't the one to wake up first after the nap. Ben pressed his cold cheek to yours and you gasped before quickly sitting up. "Don't scare me like that!" you groaned and looked at him, seeing the grin on his face. "I just had to. I'm sorry" he chuckled and pulled you back to him. "It looks better though" you said and carefully turned his head a little. "It feels quite numb that's good" he said and took the bag of broccoli from the ground. "This is completely squished. We can't eat that" he told you and you lifted your eyebrows. "Oh no. You are really sad, huh?" you asked and he nodded. "Totally. I think we need to order something" he suggested and you gasped. "Oh no how horrible" you told him and smiled into the kiss he pressed to your lips. "Whatever you want" he mumbled and you let your mind wander for a moment. "I want pizza and pasta" you said and he nodded against your lips, touching your nose with his lips. "Okay. Then I know what to get you" he smiled and got his phone out.

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