Hair - Mason Mount

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You smiled as soon as you stepped through the door and heard the pans and pots in the kitchen. Right after you got rid of your jacket and shoes, you wandered to the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe, seeing Mason fumbling around. With silent steps you walked up behind him and pushed your arms around his middle, feeling how he jumped and instantly turned around. "Fucking hell. Don't scare me like that" he mumbled and you couldn't help but chuckle. "Aww. The opportunity was too good. Sorry, bubb" told him and stood on the tip of your toes to press a kiss to his lips. Mason leaned in instantly and pushed his arms around you, pulling you tight against his chest. "What are you cooking?" you asked curious and pushed your head onto his shoulder to have a better look. "Just some pasta with mozzarella and tomatoes" he said and you wiggled around. "As if you knew someone likes it" you told him and he laughed slightly while turning around in your arms. "Hmm. Maybe I had someone in mind" he said and leaned against your hand as you traced your fingers through his hair. "I will get the plates ready" you told him and made your way to the living room.

After setting the plates and glasses on the table, you watched how Mason carried the pots to you. "All done, babe" he said with a smile and you quickly thanked him before spreading the pasta and sauce onto the plates. Mason sat next to you and pulled your leg over his lap, like he always did. "How was your day, love?" he asked and you leaned against the chair. "Ah you know. Not really entertaining. I have to write a paper next week. Not too happy about it but you got to do what you got to do" you told him and saw how his nose scrunched up when he laughed. "I am always ready to help" he said and you rolled your eyes. "Stop it. You only distract me" you mumbled and felt how he pressed his lips to your cheek. "That is a different way of helping" he said and you poked his side before shutting him up with the rest of pasta from your plate.

While you put everything in the dishwasher, Mason talked about his training sessions and you chuckled at the silly stories he told you. "Sometimes I wonder how you even get any training done there" you told him and leaned into him as he pulled you closer. "I mean we are winning so it seems to work" he winked and slowly pushed you backwards towards the couch. "What are you doing?" you laughed as you hit the couch and Mason pushed you onto it. "Getting ready for cuddling" he mumbled and followed you straight away, laying his head on your chest. "Hmm. I see. Someone is tired" you told him and watched how he nodded and turned the TV on. With light fingers you pushed your hands through his hair and smiled as you heard him humming. His hair was still messy from the shower and you were happy he just let it be how it was. You twisted his hair around your fingers and played it, feeling how he relaxed more and more.

After a while, he pushed his hands under your shirt and wrapped his arms around your body, holding you even closer and turning his head up to you. "You are such a good pillow" he mumbled and you carefully traced along his lashes and cheeks. "You are a good blanket too. Nice and warm" you smiled and closed your eyes as well as he drew small circles on your skin and you slowly drifted off with him, not caring about the couch instead of your bed.


Normally when Mason came back from a game, he was all smiley and happy since Chelsea had a run with winning and not getting a goal in from the other team but the weekend was different. You watched the game from home and sighed when the score at the end was at 2:5. The camera spotted Mason and you could see the disappointment in his face. You reached for your phone and simply send him a heart before starting to order some food.

After a while your phone lit up and you smiled slightly at the heart he had send you back. You didn't want to push him so you simply waited for him to get home. And he did. After a good hour you heard the front door and sat up instantly, waiting for him to appear in the living room. You heard him mumbling and when he stood in the doorframe, you opened your arms for him and pushed them around him as he sat almost on top of you. "Hey" you whispered and felt how he leaned his wet hair against your head. "Hey" he mumbled and sighed. "That was nothing. Don't worry" you told him and he rolled his eyes. "It was so freaking annoying. That red card was a joke. And our defence as well. What the hell" he groaned and you nodded slightly while playing with his hair. "You did all you could, okay? Next game will be all new again so. Don't be grumpy" you told him and turned his head to you before kissing him carefully. He hummed against your lips and took your head between his hands, holding you close against him. "Don't stop kissing me and I won't be grumpy" he mumbled and you chuckled slightly while playing with the hair on his neck. "I ordered some food. I think we have to for that" you told him and chuckled when he pulled you onto his lap. "Fuck that. Come on" he said and you gasped. "Watch your mouth" you warned him and traced along his jaw before leaning in again and kissing him.

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