Dog - Ben Chilwell

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„I am home" you heard from the front door and quickly jumped up when the door closed again. You were almost sprinting towards the hallway and when you reached him, you wrapped yours arms around his neck with a grin. "What the hell was that goal!" you whispered and he grinned at you before he wrapped his arms around you as well. "I have no idea" he chuckled and pressed his lips to yours. "You should do that more often" you whispered and he pinched your sides slightly which only made you laugh. "I would do that every five minutes. Trust me" he said and slowly pushed you backwards and towards the living room.

When you made it through the door, you heard the whining that came from the garden and quickly turned around, just to see your dog wagging his tail like crazy and jumping as he saw Ben. "Oh no why are you out there, buddy?" Ben asked as he saw him and pressed a kiss to your cheek before he opened the door and kneeled down to the ball of fluff. "Oh I missed you too. Did you see my goal?" he asked jokingly and when Sam barked, you couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah your kid watched you" you joked and pushed your fingertips through his still damp hair. "Hmm. Perfect" he said and leaned against your leg as he sat down properly.

"Are you hungry, Benji?" you asked and he nodded as he looked up to you. "Yeah. But you probably did enough today. I will just do something" he said as he got up and wrapped his arm around your side. "All good" you told him with a smile and chuckled Ben and Sam followed you. "You know every time you come home he is like your shadow" you told him and Ben turned around before he went back to pushing his hands through the fur. "Because he knows I give the best pets" he joked and you pinched his side slightly. "Oh yeah? Well we had a lovely hour on the couch while you were out there and I think I have won here tonight" you said as you washed your hands before you grabbed everything. "Well. That is unfair" he pouted and you shrugged your shoulders with a smile before you got going.

As you were cooking, Ben dropped more and more pieces of food on the floor and you groaned every time. "Ben. I swear to god. Stop it" you mumbled and Ben slowly turned to you. "They are just falling. I can't help it" he said and you glared at him. "Ben" you warned him again and watched how Sam nudged his leg. "See. He is helping me here" you added and he pouted. "He just looks. So cute. How can I not feed him" he groaned and you pulled him to you. "No more food for Sam" you warned him and Ben nodded before he leaned his head on top of yours as he "helped" you.

After dinner, Ben brought the plates back into the kitchen but when he came back, his arms weren't empty. You saw him holding Sam tight and chuckled as you saw the happy look on his dog face. "He got so big" Ben groaned slightly and you chuckled while scratching his favourite part under his chin. "He is not a puppy anymore" you told him and Ben huffed. "He actually is" he countered and you chuckled before you got your phone out and filmed them while Ben pressed his cheek into his fur. "You know you two look really cute" you said and Ben just smiled at you.

When the sun began to settle, you decided to go on a walk. The fall season was one of your favourites, if not your favourite and you loved it wen Ben was home early so you could enjoy the sunsets together. You watched how he threw a hoodie and a jacket over his body before you stole some of his clothes and did the same. "Hmm. Got some new clothes?" he asked with a grin and you stuck your tongue out to him. "Yes I did. Found them in a store called "your wardrobe"" you said and Ben wrapped his arm around you. "I think I've heard you like to shop there" he joked and you pushed your hand under his hoodie. "Sometimes" you said and tried to put the leash on your puppy. "Oh will you stay here you silly" you mumbled and Ben watched you with a laugh. "He is way to hyped about walkies" he said and pushed his fingers through yours when you finally managed to grab Sam. "That puppy energy is dangerous" you huffed and felt Bens lips on your temple before he closed the door and pulled you into his side.

While you were walking, Ben talked you through the tactics of the game that day and you smiled wide as he rambled about his goal. "I really thought it wasn't in" he chuckled while you played with his fingers. "It looked crazy. Tuchels face was the best" you grinned and tried to push yours and his hand into the big pocket on your (or better his) jacket. "Babe. It won't fit" he laughed and you groaned. "But it's so cold" you mumbled and watched how Ben took the leash and linked his arm through yours. "Now push them in your pocket" he said and you quickly did before you leaned back into him.

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