Game Day - Mason Mount

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You hummed to yourself as you drove into the parking space. You jumped out of the car and grabbed your phone from the front. Turning around, you walked towards the back of the car and threw your blazer inside before you grabbed the jersey from the bag. Carefully you pushed it over your head and tied your hair up, making sure it was safe and secure.

You looked up to the sky and back into your car, mumbling to yourself before you pushed the jersey off again, starting to layer more long-sleeved shirts underneath. You loved London but the weather in September was just too much sometimes. Still, you didn't want to wear a jacket because then you couldn't show off your jersey. And you loved it.

It was still early before the game would start but you were ready and came as early as you job allowed it. You turned the key around and walked towards the stadium that you knew by heart. No people were around and you walked towards the free entrance, scanning your ticket and walking inside, waving at some familiar faces that waved back at you. You laughed slightly and walked around, getting your coffee before you walked up the stairs and looked around. Some people were on the field and some sitting already but it was basically empty. You walked down the familiar steps and walked through the rows before you planted yourself on your seat, sipping at your coffee and waiting for any action.

A few more minutes passed and you looked at the field entrance, watching how some players walked outside. You stood up again and leaned against the wall in front of you, smiling to yourself as you watched them running around. It didn't take long before you saw a well-known face running towards you. You grinned at him and leaned over, smiling as he stopped right in front of you. He leaned against the little wall and brought his face close to yours, grinning back at you. "Fancy seeing you here" he joked and you laughed a little. "Yeah. Had some free time. I thought I would use this rare opportunity to see you play, Mount" you said and made him laugh. Mason leaned over and pressed a kiss to your lips. You grinned at him and he pointed at your jacket. "Are you sure you don't want to wear it? It's cold" he asked and you shook your head. "You know the drill. I have five shirts underneath. I am fine" you ensured him, pointing at his name on the back of your shirt. He shook his head and smiled. "You are crazy" he told you and you rolled your eyes. "You are repeating yourself" you said and stuck your tongue out. "You know that I like it" he said and leaned in again, kissing your slightly cold cheek. "My biggest supporter" he grinned and you shrugged your shoulders. "Always am. Sitting up there in these boxes isn't the same" you said and pointed to the VIP area. "And I love seeing you cheer right here when I score" he said and you pushed his shoulder. "Don't get too cocky. There is still improvement" you said and he looked at you with big eyes. "That was.. Wow" he whispered and you laughed. "You know me" you smiled at him and he gently nodded. "Yeah. I know. I just really have to think about this now" he said dramatically and you pocked his arm. "Just make sure you get points today and it will be fine" you joked and Mason huffed. "Just that? Okay. Just watch" he ensured you and leaned over again, pressing his lips to yours again. "Mount? Stop being sappy and move over here!" you heard from behind him and you laughed. "The signal. Good luck, okay?" you said and stroke his cheek. "Thank you" he said and pressed a kiss to your hand before turning around and running back to his team. You sat back down and drank your coffee, waiting for the game to start.

It took you another one and a half hours of waiting before the game started and you jumped up when you heard the first chords play. You sang along with everyone around you and clapped your hands as the ball started rolling.

It didn't take you long to be annoyed. West Brom way too early and you hid your head in your hands as you saw another goal happening not much later. You jumped up and started shouting at the field and the players from both teams. "I can't believe this!" you shouted and sat back down, not showing any emotions as the third goal was made only three minutes later.

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