Valentine's Gift - Mason Mount

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You hummed as you stepped out of the shower and pushed your hair up in a towel and wrapped one around you. You looked in the mirror and dried your face quickly before stepping out of the bathroom and wandering through the flat. Mason was gone for a training session and as much as you hated it to be on Valentine's Day, you knew he couldn't make an excuse but he promised you to be back for dinner and a nice evening.

After some time you got dressed again and blow-dried your hair and straightened it again, just so it would frame your face better. You weren't one for dressing up too much but today you felt like a nice blouse would be a good thing. With some quick movements you put some make-up on and went back to the kitchen. You and Mason mostly got a takeaway when he came back from a long day but today you went all out.

You were cutting the vegetables while reading the recipe and you were glad all ten fingers were still there when you were done. You put everything in the form and set it aside while you finished the dessert you started in the morning already. Mason was a sucker for tiramisu and you couldn't say no to him. Ever. You had a look at the clock and hummed slightly when you saw that you were perfectly on time. You decorated the table a bit and sat down on the couch to watch some quick episodes of your newest Netflix show you have found.

After some time, you turned the oven on and prepared the rice you wanted to add to the veggies. You sat down on the counter and looked out of the window, waiting for Mason to turn up. And when the sun began to settle, he did. He parked his car quickly and stepped out while you hopped of the counter and walked towards the living room again. The door opened a minute later and you were greeted with a grinning Mason who sprinted to you and pulled you in a tight hug. You laughed out loud and wrapped your arms around him, returning the kiss he was pressing to your lips. "Happy Valentine's, love" he whispered and you hugged him tighter. "Happy Valentine's" you said back and laughed more when he tickled your sides. "You look beautiful" he told you and your cheeks still turned red despite the amount of times he has told you. "You look quite good in a turtleneck yourself" you said and he pressed another kiss to your lips. "I heard someone likes them" he joked and you pushed him away slightly while walking into the kitchen. "You are a little idiot" you told him and he followed you quickly, hugging you from behind.

"Smells so good, love" he mumbled and you turned around to him. "I hope it tastes good too" you told him and he kissed your shoulder. "I am sure" he added and helped you with the plates. You sat down next to him and chuckled when he pulled your legs over his lap and pulled you closer. He loved to fool around and you loved it too. "Here, babe" he said as he put everything on your and his plate. You hummed happily at the food and watched him first. He dove right him and when he stared at you with big eyes, you knew he was happy. "I am the luckiest boy in the world" he mumbled and leaned over to you, pressing a kiss to your mouth. "I am glad you like it" you told him with a smile and ate with him.

During the dessert, you wandered to the couch with him and instead of extra plates, you ate out of the little form. "You make the best dessert" he said as he pulled the spoon from his mouth and set it aside again. "But we can't tell anybody how much I ate, okay?" he asked and you chuckled. "Don't worry. Your secrets are always safe" you told him and he pressed a kiss to your cheek. "You're the best".

Mason insisted that he would clean up and so you stayed on the couch again and waited for him. You grabbed the little bag you had placed there before and sat it on the table. You weren't one for big gifts but you still decided to get him something. When he came back to the living room, he had his hands behind his back and grinned at you. "Well. What have we here" you said while he sat down next to you. "Hmm. I don't know" he said and pulled his hands from behind his back. You smiled at the big sat of roses you saw. Red was always your favourite colour and despite him wanting to change it to blue, he couldn't get enough of the look on your face when you saw roses. "Aww, Mase" you whispered and carefully took them, pushing your nose into one of them. "I love them" you said again and he smiled as well.

"Here, Mase" you said as you placed the little bag on his lap. "Babe" he said excited as he looked inside and pulled all the small chocolate snacks out. "Your secret is safe" you repeated and watched how he searched for the smaller box. Once he found it, he pulled it out and looked at it for a moment. Slowly he pulled the lid of and looked at the leather bracelet you had inside. He took it out carefully and turned it around a bit, seeing the small heart on the inside. "This is beautiful. Thank you" he said happily and pulled you to him, pressing small kissed all over your face. You giggled with him and helped him to put the bracelet on his wrist.

"Now it's your turn" he grinned and placed a bag in your lap. Your heart was beating fast as you looked inside and saw a teddy. "Aww" you smiled and pulled it out carefully, seeing a necklace around his neck. "Oh my god" you whispered as you pulled it off and looked at the little round pendant. "MM? Hmm" you said and he just kissed your cheek. "MM looks good on you" he said and you chuckled. "Oh I love it. Trust me" you told him and let him place it around your neck. You grabbed for the little pendant and played with it. "Thank you so much, Mase" you whispered and he pulled you closer, pressing another kiss to your lips. "There is more, you know" he warned you and you stared at him. "What?" you asked in disbelieve and he shrugged his shoulders. "Close your eyes, okay?" he asked and you nodded slightly before you watched him disappear again.

After some time you heard his steps again and you got a bit nervous. You could tell was right in front of you but he was still quiet. "Alright, love" he said and sat back next to you. "Open your eyes" he continued and you slowly did, starring at the table. Next to the little bear you saw a little puppy, wiggling his butt at you. "Say hi to maybe Teddy" Mason said and you looked at him before slowly reaching forwards and grabbing him. "Are you serious?" you asked again and he smiled. "Oh I am" he ensured you and you pulled the puppy close to your chest.

You have annoyed him with a puppy for over a year and he wasn't sure with the timing but he felt like. This was the time. "He is a little shelter lad. Was looking for a family and yeah. Now he is ours" he explained and you sniffled slightly before leaning against him and scratching the little puppy. "I love him" you whispered and Mason pulled you closer. "I love him too".

And with that, Mason gave you the little starter kit he got you. He had food, a leash and a small bed ready for the first night. After you two got changed, you laid down on the couch with both of them and watched how Mason placed his head right next to the little puppy that was lying on your stomach. You played with the little puppies curls and traced along Masons head. "Hmm" was all he said as he pressed himself against your hand and petted the little dogs back.

For a second you took your hand of the little puppy and got your phone out, recording a little video and putting it on your story with a little "Happy Valentine's Day" caption. Once you were done, you laid your finger on Masons chin and pulled him up a bit so he was looking at you. "Thank you so much, Mase" you whispered and he crawled up a bit to press a long kiss to your lips. "Everything for my girl".

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