Polaroids - Harry Winks

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It was Saturday night. You were swaying slightly from left to right as you watched your friends dance away. You were never a party girl but for your friends birthday you made an exception. Ever so often they looked over to you and cheered. "Come on! Dance with us!" one of them screamed, trying her best to be as loud as possible under the loud music. You just smiled, waved your glass a little and shook your head. Being her was enough. Dancing wasn't a possibility without being drunk and that wasn't something you were after that night. Your friend pouted but quickly got back to dancing and singing to the music.

You leaned against the soft material of the little chair and looked around the room. The club was full of guests that were dancing the night away. Everyone was doing their own dance moves and you couldn't help but smile at some of these "moves". Your eyes landed on a group of mostly boys. They were chatting and laughing as they tried their best to move to the music. Of course you recognised some of them. How can you not? Living in London and loving football eventually brings you to Tottenham. You were fascinated how a "friend of a friend of your friend" knows how to bring these boys to a party. You weren't complaining but also kept you distance just ever so often looked at them again. How can you not?

Another hour passed and you were starting to think of an excuse to leave early. A headache was probably the best excuse. While you were thinking about it, one of your friends came over and pulled you from the chair. "You haven't dance at all tonight. Come on! At least one song! And I need a birthday picture from all of us! Please?". You could never say no to that. It was her birthday after all. So you took your drink, swayed with your friends and sang quietly to the music. After the song ended, one friend ran towards a table and grabbed a Polaroid camera. "Let's get some nice photos guys!" was all you heard and the whole room cheered. After several different constellations, you took quietly a step back and observed every photo that was taken. You didn't even notice that at some point someone was standing next to you. "You're already done with all the photos?" he said and looked at her. You were completely in your thoughts that his voice made you jump. "S-Sorry. What?" He just smiled and looked at you with big brown eyes. "I said. Are you done with all the photos?" You slowly put your hair behind your ear, looked at your friends again and said: "Yeah. I think I am on enough photos for now". He nodded and didn't stop smiling. "What's your name?" He asked while looking at you. Before you could even answer, the birthday girl jumped in front of the two of you and put the camera in your face. "Come on you two! Smile!" she shouted. Without realizing what was happening, you felt an arm around your shoulder and a warm body pressed against your side. You looked to your left and saw his big brown eyes starring right back at you. You noticed the little flash and brought your eyes back to your friend. "Ohh! Look at you two! Cuties! You can collect it at the table later!" was all she said while waving the Polaroid around. "Come on! One more Y/n!" You nodded and looked in these big brown eyes again. He still had the most beautiful smile on his face. "Well. Maybe I'll see you around again." was what he said while nodding in the direction of your girls. "I am Harry by the way". You shyly smiled and turned to him again, as your friend pulled you to the middle of the room. "Yeah. I know" were the last words you said to him that day. Of course you knew Harry Winks.

You left shortly after that. You took your jacket, your bag and went home. But Harry didn't forget the photo. Before everyone went home, he went to the table that had all the little Polaroids on it and searched for a specific one. After a few seconds he smiled when he found it. You were looking at him with a slight look of shock on your face but also the cutest smile. He looked at the little caption under the photo. "Winksy and Y/n". He smiled even wider and put the photo in his pocket. He'd definitely keep it.


The next party was two weeks later. Almost exact the same people. But of course a different occasion. You felt better that day. Your week went well, your job was treating you good and you were ready to celebrate more. The third drink was already downed and you were dancing with your girls. The music was loud and the atmosphere felt just perfect. After a while you looked around again because you felt eyes on you. And your feeling was right. The same brown eyes from two weeks ago were looking straight at you. It made you stumble a bit but you tried to brush it off. Of course he noticed it and smiled. He nodded slightly and put his glass in the air. You couldn't help but smile too and mimic his gesture. It was impossible to not get affected by his smile. You turned away again and danced through the night.

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