Boyfriend Material - Ben Chilwell

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You were watching Ben as he pulled a hoodie over his head and pushed his hair around again. "Ben. You look good. You are worse than I am" you groaned and saw him glaring at you through the mirror. "I didn't do my make-up for an hour" he said and you glared back at him. "Alright alright" you said and lifted your hands dramatically before walking up next to him. Ben turned to you and grinned cheeky before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips. "You look beautiful" he said and you smiled. "You do look quite handsome yourself" you told him and looked in the mirror. "Now come on. Photo shooting time" you continued and grabbed the camera bag before walking downstairs. You loved photography and were more than happy whenever Ben said he wanted to do some photos for his Instagram. Instead of a jacket you pulled his yellow hoodie over your head, a similar one as he was wearing. "Aww. Are we matching today?" he asked and you smiled. "I think so" you told him and felt his hand on your back. "I like it" he said and walked to his car with you, driving a bit to a little parking lot with beautiful trees in the background.

"So mister Chilwell. Where should we start?" you asked and Ben looked around. "Wherever you think I will look okay" he laughed and you rolled your eyes. "Wow. The same answer as always" you said and got the camera out, starting to snap random photos of him. "The sun looks good here" you said and looked at him. "Smiiile" you told him and watched how he started to laugh at your comments. "Yes. More!" you told him and watched how he started to do silly faces. "These are your shots. I mean I like that but you like the serious ones" you said and watched how he looked at the ground and back up to you. "Yes" you said happily and walked to him. "Look!" you grinned and showed them to him. "I like these especially" you explained and he nodded. "Yes. You did good ones. As always" he grinned and pulled you to him, pressing a kiss to your lips. "I want to have some from both of us" he mumbled against your lips and took the camera. "We can put the timer on and lay it on your car so we can have some from further away" you said and did as told. You pushed him back to a point and pushed some buttons on the camera before running to him. "Quick!" you said and laughed as he pulled you closer, doing some poses with you. "How many do we have" he said and turned you to him, pressing a kiss to your lips. "I think I put like sixty on" you told him and he lifted you up. "Hmm. I don't think this will be enough" he said and laughed with you. "How many do you want? Hundreds?" you joked and he looked at you with a serious look. "Maybe that's the plan" he said and shrugged his shoulders.

And he was serious. You didn't know how many photos you did but after another hour the sun was way too low and you decided to call it a day. You quickly grabbed some snacks from a restaurant nearby and drove home with Ben, pulling your laptop out as soon as you hit the couch. "This will take forever" you said to Ben who planted himself right next to you, feeding you with some fries. "Thank god we are free tonight" he joked and watched how you connected the camera to the computer. "We are at almost three hundred" you told him and he chuckled. "Let's go" he said while throwing a fry in the air and catching it with the first try.

An hour later you were hundred down. In most of them he had his eyes closed or you were moving too much while doing your shots together. "Now you need to decide" you said and placed your laptop in his lap and getting up. "Where are you going?" he asked and pouted. "Taking a shower" you said and stood behind him, placing a kiss to his mouth. "I'll be quick" you told him and walked through the hallway and into the bathroom.

Once you were finished you stepped back into his hoodie and took care of your hair. You saw your phone lighting up and grinned as you saw the Instagram notifications popping up. Ben seemed to be enjoying the pictures as he as mentioned you in his story and on his feed. You swiped across and saw the story first. He sneakily snapped some photos of you while you were concentrated on your camera. He simply put a little heart to the corner and tagged you in it of course. You bit your lip because you were smiling so hard but your heart literally exploded when you saw the first post just with his photos in it and then the second one had five different ones of you and him in it. From serious ones where you leaned against his arm to silly ones where he lifted you up and you were laughing like crazy. "Just matching" he put under it and put a heart behind it. It was a small gesture but you felt like you heart was about to burst.

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