New Home - Ben Chilwell

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You put some small boxes down and wiped your forehead. You took a deep breath and looked around, seeing all the boxes spread out everywhere. "Oh god this is a mess" you mumbled and made your way back to the front door, laughing as you just saw a pair of legs at the bottom and a wall of boxes above. "These are the last ones" you heard from the pile and you shook your head. "I don't think half of it will survive your trip" you said and carefully took two of the boxes from the top, seeing a smiling Ben behind it. "Thanks love" he said out of breath and put everything down before pushing his hair back. You followed him and put the light ones on top of the others. "I didn't know we had so much stuff" he laughed and pulled you towards him. You leaned your head against his chest and yawned slightly. "Me neither. But I am happy this is over" you mumbled and felt how his chest rose and fell from his chuckling. "As am I" he said and pressed a kiss to your head. "You probably shouldn't have done that before the shower" you chuckled and felt his lips on your forehead. "Uh I don't care. You've done it after my games too" he told you and pressed a kiss to your lips. You grinned into the kiss and looked up to him. "That's true. And you were in a worse state" you joked and he huffed. "That's rude" he said and tickled your spot on your back. You squealed and jumped to the side. "Let's just unpack!" you quickly said and kneeled down next to a box.

But he didn't gave you a chance. Ben pushed his arms around you from behind and lifted you up. You started to laugh and kicked your feet. "Let me down. We need to start at some point!" you told him but he didn't say a word. He carried you to the big couch and threw you on it before planting himself carefully on top of you. "Benjamin" you whined and felt how he leaned his head against yours. "We can unpack tomorrow. Please. I want to watch TV and do nothing today" he said while you turned around in his grip. "It does sound like a good plan" you told him and saw the smile spreading on his face. "I knew it" he grinned and pressed a long kiss to your lips. You pushed your arms around his neck and looked at him. "But the shower is necessary" you said and he groaned. "Okay. But quick" he mumbled and got up, pulling you with him.

After the quick shower you found yourself back in the living room, lying on the couch in one of his giant hoodies and having him right on top of you. You looked more at him than the TV and played around with the strands of his hair. "Are you giving me curls?" he asked and you smiled. "I am trying. But it is not staying" you answered and pushed all of his wet hair back before drawing small circles on his neck. He hummed happily and you smiled. You knew it was his favourite thing. "Should we go to bed?" you asked this time and he slowly lifted his head to look at you. "I think it's better isn't it" he said and slowly got up, holding his hand out for you. In one swift motion he had you on your feet and you followed him through the hallway, into the bedroom.

It wasn't your first night in your London apartment but it felt like it all over again since all the boxes started to take their spots. You were excited when he announced that Chelsea wanted him and you were with him from day one, ready to bring everything to London and starting a new chapter with him.

After crawling under the sheets, he pulled you closer to his chest, pushing his hand underneath your hoodie. "How can it be that you are warm even without a shirt and I am freezing?" you mumbled and pushed your hand over his stomach and under his back. "Born and raised in the British weather I guess" he explained and you chuckled. "Yeah probably. That must be it" you said and smiled as you felt his nose against yours. Slowly you opened one eye and looked at him. "So smiley today" you said and he pressed his lips onto yours. "I am just really ready for this" he told you and you smiled. "So am I. Trust me".

The next morning you woke up really late but you didn't mind it. After an hour of fighting with Ben to get up and actually not being able to get up because he laid right on top of you, you had a quick breakfast with him before opening the first box. "So we are starting with the photos?" you asked and Ben nodded. "Yeah. This wall needs to be filled up" he said and rubbed his hands together. "Do we have a ladder?" you asked and looked at him. Ben scratched the back of his neck. "Actually no. But. We can make it work" he said and grabbed the hammer and some nails. "You just sit on my shoulders" he grinned and you huffed. "Never. You can't hold me up there the whole time" you said and he shook head. "Nope. It will be fine. Come on. Trust your boyfriend" he continued and you groaned. "We start with the lower ones and then we will see" you told him and grabbed some of the frames.

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