Lockdown Together - Mason Mount

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You leaned closer to the big mirror in the bathroom and carefully applied the small line of eyeliner really close to your lashes. Once you were done, you took a step back and breathed in, forgetting that you've been holding your breath the whole time. "I think you'll faint doing it one day" Mason said and looked over your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I can't help it. It just happens" you told him and turned to him, pushing a strand of his hair back.

"You look beautiful" he mumbled and you felt your cheeks heating up, pushing your arms around his neck. "You don't look too bad either" you whispered and leaned into the kiss he pressed to your lips. "Are you ready?" he asked and you nodded, playing with his hair. "Yeah. I just need my jacket and bag and I am good to go" you smiled and turned the light off, walking towards the front of the hallway. "Mind if I take your jacket?" you asked and Mason looked at you, rising his eyebrow and acting like he had to think really hard. "If it's really necessary" he said and you glared at him. "You'd give it to me anyway" you told him and grabbed it from the pile. "I am joking" he said with a grin and hugged you from behind after he put on his jacket. "Hm. I'll let it slip this time" you said and turned to him, looking at him.

"I actually wish we could have stayed home" Mason groaned as you walked around the corner and saw the club on the left side. "Nope. Your boys want to celebrate and you promised them you'd come" you told him and pulled him along the sideway. "But the bed is nicer" he mumbled and you chuckled. "Stop being so dramatic" you laughed and squealed when he pulled you closer to his side once you reached the entrance. "Okay. But you stay with me" he whispered in your ear and walked in with you, waving at the group of people who cheered once they saw you. "Alright, Mase" you chuckled and waved too, following him to the little extra area.

"Well well well who do we have here" Ben said with a grin and you watched as Mason greeted everyone with a handshake while you just said a general hello and sat down next to Mason, looking around the group. "You look good" Callum said and you chuckled as you felt an arm around you, pulling you closer. "Thank you" you simply said and turned to Mason. "Protective?" you jokingly asked and he rolled his eyes slightly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "What do you want to drink?" he asked to change the subject and you thought about it for a moment. "Surprise me" you told him and he smiled before getting up and leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. "Okay. One second" he said with a wink and walked towards the bar.

"You have him wrapped around your finger huh?" Tammy said and you chuckled while shaking your head. "I am not doing anything" you told him in defence and held your hands up. "I think he wrapped himself around there himself" Ben laughed and you chuckled with him, shaking your head slightly and leaning back, chatting away with them.

Mason came back some minutes later and planted himself next to you. "That took so long" he groaned and gave you a glass, "Thank you" you said to him and kissed his cheek before clinking glasses with him. You took a sip of the sweet cocktail and hummed happily before sitting the glass back down. Mason laid his arm back around your shoulder and pulling you close. You leaned into him and watched the boys laughing and talking about the games. Mason joined them and told a story about his last game but he never let you go. Every time he had a break he kissed your cheek or your lips and you grinned every time. "Love birds? Do you want to dance to or just sit there?" Ben asked and Mason turned to him. "Actually" he started and pressed his lips to yours. You chuckled and held onto him. "Alright. You can join if you want to" Ben said and got up quickly.

Mason leaned his nose against yours and you smiled. "Come on. We should join them" you said and took his hand, playing with his fingers. "Do we have to" he groaned and you pushed his shoulder. "Yes. I want to" you told him and got up, pulling him with you. You pushed yourself between the boys and their girlfriends and danced with Mason. He wasn't the biggest fan at the beginning but when he saw the others dancing, he knew he couldn't be worse.

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