Delicious Desire ☽ 20

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The hall was bustling with noise from forks and spoons clanging against the porcelain plates. Laughter and inaudible voices bounced against the walls.

"Next up! Can Gregory O'Neil please come up on stage with his mate!"

Claps and whistles erupted as he and his mate smiled at each other and went up, hands clasped together tightly.

"This is my mate, Onyx Hilloway. We came forth with our mateship." Said Gregory.

Looking into his mate's green eyes as they smiled at each other. Love radiating off of them in heaps, like it has its own heartbeat.

It surprised no one since everyone in the Academy knew they were a couple when they came hand in hand to class every day. Everyone clapped nonetheless. Supporting them when everyone knew they needed it most.

The headteacher thanked them and continued, "Now, for our first committee member of the night. Can Kai Matthews and his mate come on up!"

The hall fell silent, like everyone was waiting with anticipation for who got the Alpha.

Kai looked at me with a tinge of worry in his eyes, but mine only held adoration and support. We both slowly stood up, and I threw my napkin down onto my plate. Whispers rose when we both stood up. Everyone looked around for someone to stand up, but it was only us.

Everyone had shocked expressions on their faces when I grasped his warm, slightly sweaty hand. The room went eerily quiet when we headed up the stairs.

I looked at our families' faces first. Elian's mother and father looked at each other, flabbergasted. And shockingly enough, my father had another expression except boredom on his face for once. I masked the surprise on my own.

Kai grasped the mic, and we both walked forward.

"My mate is Elian Castel, and we came out as a pair tonight." He said with a chest full of confidence.

Everyone was silent as horror crossed some people's faces, some surprised others didn't even care.

Kai's father stood up and walked towards my father's table. They talked for a second and stood up. My father and Kai's parents walked out of the hall.

"Erm, well. Thank you both for coming up here. May your relationship last for eternity. " The headteacher said clapping with the mic in his hand.

We both raced down the stairs towards our parents. I have a terrible feeling about this, and judging by Kai's emotions; he feels the same.

Fuck, what if they don't support us? I thought Kai only grabbed my hand a little tighter. We raced by people, trying to get our attention.

"We'll be okay. I'll stand by your side every time." I could only chuckle at him.

He frowned and punched me in the chest, halfheartedly, of course.

"Babe, I feel the same way." I held his head against my neck.

His breath was calming and so was his heartbeat lulling my worries away, but that was short-lived as our parents cleared their throats. Kai pulled away, nodding at me as the words I Love You rang in my head.

It was the only confidence boost I needed at the moment, and we held each other's hands and stood before our parents.

My father sighed and, shocking me and Kai's family, he took Kai into his stiff arms, and said.

"At least your mate isn't that girl your mother hated. I'm happy for you."

He released Kai and shifted over at me, holding my arms. He only smiled.

Similar to what happened to Kai, his parents held me in their arms. And not a hug you give the pervy uncle at the family barbeque, an actual embrace against their warm bodies.

Mine melted into their warmth. Ms. Matthews pulled away first. She smiled and looked at her husband.

"Welcome to the pack, Elian. I hope we get along great." The beautiful woman said, smiling at me and Kai.

Kai's father had yet to say anything but a quick smack from the Luna. He rolled his eyes and ruffed, mumbling something under his breath, earing him another smack.

Kai and I looked at each other and gulped nervously.

"I'm happy for you both, really, but I will not lie. We both- no, all of us need to discuss how we're going to merge this family together. I think Mr. Castel feels the same when I say we don't want to lose our sons."

Kai's father said like a true Alpha and only took his Luna into his arms and smiled at us and continued.

"But that can wait for tomorrow. How about we enjoy the peace we have now. Because from here on out, it is going to be tough, but we'll fight for you. For family."

He ended it by throwing his arm around my father's neck, who only scoffed at him and threw it off.

"I agree. I don't want to lose my son. And for family, we'll fight together."

The three of them went back inside. They were still busy announcing everyone's mates with laughter and clapping coming from the building.

I held Kai close to me as we both led our breaths we were holding in; I looked down at him. Taking the knot of my tie between my fingers and pulling it away from my neck.

"That went better than I thought it would." I said, barely above a whisper.

"Same, I felt the same."



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