Delicious Desire ☽ 17

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We couldn't keep our hands off of each other, well I couldn't keep my hands off of Elian. This morning before class, I pinned him against the wall in the storage closet, and literally stuck my tongue down his throat. Resulting in us almost being late for our classes. And at lunch, he dragged me out of the dining hall and almost devoured me.

This is going to be rough, because the first few days of finding your mate you just want to be near them, feel them, kiss them. So the urges are difficult to curve and we gave in a few times.

We both decided to keep our newest development to ourselves because we wanted some time to figure it out ourselves too, Elian has always been attractive but right now he looks delicious. Ironically coming from the werewolf in the pair.

I had biology next, and from what I could remember so did Elian, I've been dreading this class the whole day. Because I'm not sure if Kiran could stay in the back of my mind and not to front, and attack Elian like a dog in heat.

My body was overheating and that was a normal development for wolves who have met their mates, to be fair it wasn't really mating season yet, but it could happen at the beginning of the month but it was rare so to speak.

Leo and I walked side by side towards the Biology Hall and he was telling me about his two little sisters that were only six years old and his single mother had to raise them alone.

I looked at him sympathetically and grasped his shoulder as a sign of comfort, he gave me a meek smile but we went inside the Hall and I sat down as far away as possible from Elian and the nuisance had the audacity to smirk at me.

I couldn't decide between kissing him or punching the smug grin off of his face.  I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs over each other, I don't know what's on his mind because we haven't officially mated yet, that consisted of both parties being bitten simultaneously. And then both parties could feel and experience each other's emotions.

Even thoughts too. Elian looked unbothered and that bothered me somehow. So I casually began rubbing my skin, slowly as to not bring attention to myself in any way.

The professor walked in and greeted the class as she began teaching, but it was as clear as day that neither I nor Elian was paying attention at all.

After teasing him for a couple of minutes I chuckled and stopped, while he looked ready to combust from the glare I got.

Finally paying attention to the lesson, Leo leaned back and cupped his hand as I leaned back to listen to what he's saying.

"I don't know what's going on but, Elian's glare could literally kill. And you'd be dead my friend," Leo said side eying Elian in the process.

I chuckled and shifted around in the uncomfortable dated seats.


It's been about two weeks since we found out about our newest development and the annual mating ball is fast approaching. Where everyone reveals their mates and forever partners, humans and witches don't have any mating rituals or traditions but sometimes they are mated to species who do mate.

Elian and I have been on edge about the event and the only people we've told are Leo and Zero... well they actually caught us to be specific.

We were in the cafeteria when it happened, I was approached by one of the Omegas in the Montegue pack. It didn't end well though, Elian got jealous and it led to us making out against the Bathroom wall and Leo and Zero walked in. They demanded an explanation so naturally, we gave it to them.

"Kai, what are you going to wear at the ball?" Leo asked.

We were both sitting in the living room while I aimlessly scroll through the channels for a movie to watch, while he flips through a fashion magazine.

"Elian said he's wearing black so I'll go with all black too. Maybe a turtleneck instead of a dress shirt, what about you?" I asked as I looked over at him.

He sighed and threw the magazine on the coffee table next to his raised feet.

"Honestly, I don't know. Wren said she's wearing a red dress so maybe a red shirt too." I nodded as he looked over at me.

The biggest event in an Alpha's life is finding a mate and a Luna for the pack, but my Luna is a man and a vampire at that. I have a feeling this is going to be tough for us both and the people we both have to command one day.

The event planning and decorating is almost done and the event is in my few days, so Elian and I will have to mate officially before then. But I'll need to tell him the one thing that may steer him away from me... forever because non-werewolves might find it gross.




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