Delicious Desire ☽ 25

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"Have you heard from him yet, anything in the link?" Mr. Matthews asked again, pacing around in the hall. His hair was a mess, from the onslaught his fingers caused.

I shook my head, "No, nothing. It's been over two hours, and usually, he'd been back. Or, at least let someone know where he is." I replied.

My frown deepened with the increased worry I felt. I know we didn't leave things on the best note, but this isn't Kai.

Mrs. Matthews just stood at the window gazing outside, looking for any signs of Kai's return. The forgotten trays of finger foods lay spread out; on the lavishly decorated tables. Empty cocktail glasses are scattered around the room. The DJ was seen packing up his equipment and sighing softly at all the work that lay ahead of him.

"Did you two argue, Elian?" My father asked, his piercing gaze never left my face.

Even when I first called them, to let them know of the situation. I froze in my tracks, it was like he could read my mind. It was a little ironic since there were two massively powerful werewolves in the room.

I nodded once again, "Yes, we did. We both needed time to cool off. It wasn't anything serious at first, but it quickly escalated without even noticing."

All three of them stood still, listening intently to what I was saying. All the attention made me a little on edge if I was being honest.

I uncrossed my arms and placed my hands in the pockets of my slacks. Shrugging my shoulders when I was done talking. Neither one of them replied and waited for me to continue talking about our supposed 'fight'.

Clearing my throat, I looked away not having the guts to meet anyone's eyes. Sighing I continued, "I complimented one of Kai's friends, and he got jealous. He dodged me all night, while I was trying to get to him. When I finally did catch him, he asked me if I loved him." I rambled out, still not making eye contact.

"It honestly hurt my feelings when he asked that, I've told him I loved him since I found out about our bond," I replied honestly.

Stifling silence entered the atmosphere, as I gazed at my future in-laws. Mr. Matthews cleared his throat, feeling very awkward at the moment. Mrs. Matthews wasn't far behind.

"I won't get invested in my son's personal life, but Kai has a fierce loyalty to the people he loves. Sometimes, he gets it in his head that those very same people don't feel the same." Mr. Matthews said in a cool calm voice.

This shocked me still, I haven't thought about that. I don't know that much about Kai. We've been so caught up in the bond, that now that the bond flare is somewhat gone, I don't know him that well.

Tears welled up in my eyes, Kai was right. Our bond is fragile, not in love, but in the things we know about each other. It's always just been about the lust, not about what's beneath that.

"I've said some awful things to him tonight, he's probably somewhere unsafe. Maybe even in territory that isn't even ours?! We need to go look for him." I said, my voice getting louder with every word spoken.

My father looked at me again, judging the call I just made. Deciding between staying here and waiting, or go out and find him ourselves.

"I think you're right, Elian. We should go look for him. If what you said is true, he could be in danger."

I nodded and looked over expectedly at the Matthews. Kai's mom sighed and nodded at her mate. The academy's staff has started clearing all of the clutter and dishes from the tables. Others have started folding the chairs and putting them away. Their uniforms were still crisp, even in the early morning hours.

All four of us raced outside, not wasting any time to go and find him. Mr. Matthews was already on the phone with the headmaster, reporting Kai as officially missing.

I just hope that I'm not too late to go and make things right with the man I love.



I was on my daily runs when an unfamiliar scent caught my nose. Stopping mid-step I held my head up high in the sky to try and track the scent.

The neighboring border was the Academies grounds, so it can only be one of the students. Branches crunched underneath my paws, I slowly made my way to the person.

It was a man, he was laying on his stomach. I stopped assessing if he was awake, but pretended not to be. His breathing was fast and labored. And guessing by the blood on his forehead and body. He's been hurt.

And for a while, my instincts told me to run away. But, it only drove me forward. I shifted back and cautiously kicked his shoulder to make his body turn around.

He groaned in pain but didn't wake up. Even when unconscious his status made itself known, a werewolf and not just any werewolf.

An alpha.

I gulped down the emotions in my throat and went against my better judgment and threw caution to the wind. This guy needs help, and I'll be damned if I just stood by and did nothing.

Clenching my teeth hard against each other, I prayed to Goddess that I'm not making a mistake. Let's hope they're willing to compensate for his safe return.

I took his arms and gently threw them onto my own shoulders for support. He groaned again, but nothing.

"... Elian." He mumbled.

Almost dropping him in fright, I thought he talked to me. Fucking hell, this better be worth it.

Or I swear I'll finish him off myself.

Or I swear I'll finish him off myself

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Hello, hello!

I'd like to announce ---- a new book! You guys heard it here first, a new project. New characters and new tropes, and get this! It'll be a FXMXF book. This girl's got it all!

 The name: Menace.

It's Mafia-romance set in a foreign country...

I hope y'all like it! It's a different type of LGBTQIA+ with two girls and a guy this time. Hope to see y'all there.

Toodles. <3

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