Delicious Desire ☽ 26

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I groaned and tried to roll over, but I couldn't. I slowly opened my eyes, and the blur subsided leaving me very confused and scared. I was in a small hut, from the way I was laying down I could see small pieces of straw and other plants poking out of the makeshift shelter. Okay, calm down and assess.

Guessing by how bright it was, it was probably late morning. Going on the afternoon. My parents, Elian. Goddess, they're all probably worried sick! I've got to get out of here. I thought as I looked around some more.

I was laying on a cot, I could feel the leather underneath my fingertips. There was a small fire, with a pot on it, some sort of liquid was boiling over into the flames, making them crackle.

Moving my arms, I tried to sit up. But I couldn't. Panic came off of me in waves, I was starting to get frustrated from not being able to move my body properly. Looking down I saw my upper body was covered in a thick bandage. My whole body pulsed with pain.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, boy. You're okay. You fell down a cliff and got seriously hurt." said a strained male voice.

An unfamiliar male voice.

My hair began to stand on end, I may be in danger. I tried to get Kira's attention, but he still hasn't gotten out of his dark place. I was so afraid, I could cry.

"Who are you?" I asked wearily, my voice small, "Why did you save me? What do you want?" I fired question after question. Trying to get some well-deserved answers.

The scraggly man sat down by the fire, taking a random branch he stirred the mysterious liquid in the pot. It bubbled up, and I thought I was going to throw up. I clasped my hand over my mouth, to stop the bile from reaching my lips.

The man sprang up, walking towards me quickly. My instincts kicked in, and I accidentally growled at him. Making my eyes flash orange in a warning.

"I'm sorry, but don't approach me that quickly. Or I'll attack you, no matter how injured I may seem," I said in a menacing tone.

His whole demeanor changed and he threw his hands up, showing me that he isn't a treat like I'm making it seem.

I carefully watched the bearded man, walk towards me, he sat down on the edge of the cot. His cot, I was assuming. He took me by the shoulders and looked me straight in the eye.

"Who's Elian, you called him in your sleep. The whole way I was carrying you." Said the man, his eyes searched my face.

I gulped, "He's my mate. Why? Do you know him?" I asked suddenly concerned for my mate's safety.

The man shook his head, "No, I don't. And mate? A male mate, and by the smell lingering on your skin he's not a werewolf either." he mumbled.

I almost didn't catch it, but I did.

"What is your name?" I asked, trying to turn the subject away from Elian.

As suddenly as he sat down, he stood up and turned his back to me. I shifted but groaned in pain at the sudden jerk of my body.

He turned towards the sound and made a disapproving sound with his teeth. Almost like a father scolding their child for eating sweets before dinner.

"Son, don't move. Or you'll only hurt yourself more. I won't remind you again." he said gently pushing my shoulders down against the makeshift cot.

I glared at him, "Don't talk to me that way, watch it. I'm an Alpha." I said obligingly laying down again. Getting comfortable, since the man won't let me get up.

He only rolled his eyes and moved away again to his concoction on the fire. Humming as he stirred and threw some random herbs into the grayish goop. My stomach turned at the thought of eating that godawful mixture.

Goddess only knew what that was.

"My name is Sloan, and my rank is Healer. Or I was a healer before they kicked me out." Sloan said, taste-testing his mixture.

He nodded approvingly and caught my stare. Now, that my instincts weren't in overdrive I looked at him fully for the first time.

He was built like a tank, quite muscular for his height which stood above average at best. He had long dreadlocks hanging down his back, with a little bun tied at the crown of his head. A full beard, with gleaming green eyes. His eyes stood out against his dark complexion.

"You look very familiar like I've seen you before," I said creasing my eyebrows in confusion.

I'm not lying I have seen him before, a portrait or something. Maybe in the pack house? But, that couldn't be. Silverbane has never let anyone leave, let alone become rogues.

"I suppose, I was in a pack called Silverbane. You've probably heard of it before, seeing as you look just like your father."

My eyes widened, he knows who my father is? But why? How? Question after question ran through my head.

This man, he could be dangerous. Dangerous. Like he sensed my conclusion he sighed and rubbed his beard. Thinking of a suitable answer to my rhetorical question.

"I know your father very well, your mother too. We're both healers, so we worked quite close to one another back then." Sloan said, resting back against the stool he was sitting on.

He looked up at the sky, I couldn't see what he was searching for since the cot was positioned underneath the sail, protecting it against the elements.

"Your father was the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Back then his hair wasn't gray and his eyes weren't tired." he smiled and continued, "Quite the opposite actually, he was full of life, and love. Oh, so much love."

"You were in love with him, and I'm guessing he didn't feel the same," I said since this was the only explainable theory.

Sloan laughed, full-on belly laughed. I wasn't so sure anymore, confused was an understatement.

"Yes and no, I was in love with him and he liked me back. And probably not only because of the mate bond." He replied nonchalantly.

My breath hitched in my throat, what did he say... Mate?! No, that's not possible. My mother was his mate, right?

"What's your name, boy?" Sloan asked suddenly. Like he didn't let the secret of a lifetime slip.

"---It's Kai, sir. My name is Kai." I said after a while. I guess I didn't tell him my name.

Sloan nodded and looked outside, his head turned towards the woods and the outskirts of the academy's grounds. He lifted his head, making his heavy dreadlocks sway with movement. I can see it. Why my father was allegedly in love with this mysterious man?

He was quite beautiful and graceful.

I turned my head sideways and tried to connect with Elian or anyone for that matter. A breath of relief flooded through me when I heard Kira moan in my head.

Sloan was watching me, he stood up and took the steaming pot off of the fire. And snuffed the coals out with a bucket of water, that lay next to his pit.

"After you drink this, I'll help you get back. And to answer your question. Yes, Tobias Matthews was my mate. And the father of our stillborn daughter." Sloan said, not breaking eye contact.

Just conveying how serious he was.

Just conveying how serious he was

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