Delicious Desire ☽ 1

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I sat back into the office chair, the clan-members were conversing with my father. They smiled and laughed, I smiled slightly too. This really is a turning point for a lot of people, no more silent fear when someone of another species was even slightly near. But I was still puzzled about the academy, well, there must be a reason why he hasn't told us before we signed the treaty today.

I trust him, so when we leave he'll probably explain because he has looked over at me four times this last minute, I shook my head and stood up from the black-and-metallic chair and stretched out my limbs, making them pop satisfactorily. A slight groan left my closed lips.

'I'll wait in the car.' I said to my father in my head, the thing is we're all connected by the Alpha. He can contact anyone from the pack within his inner monologue. And that's our main form of communication, It's almost telepathic but not quite.

He looked over at me and nodded, I nodded once and turned around. Looking at my watch I saw that It's only fifteen-minutes past twelve. I could still hang out with my friends if we go in the next ten minutes. I rolled up my sleeves as I walked in the hallway towards the front door, not paying attention to where I was walking.

The mansion wasn't what I was expecting, not at all. It was really modern with a lot of windows, but they do like their natural sunlight. Ironic I know.

As I was gawking at the paintings on the walls, my full attention was on the details. That I walked straight into something... or someone.

"Hey! Watch it, mutt." The Male-voice said, roughly pushing me away with his shoulder.

I looked up, right into yellow, gleaming eyes. It was the guard from earlier, he had a foul scowl on his face. One of pure disgust, now I see why Mr. Castel didn't tell everyone about the treaty.

"What did you say? Huh? Old man!?" I hollered and pushed him in the chest, his body shifted back slightly.

I could feel my own eyes gleaming too, a dark red-orange color. He got his balance back and sneered at me, I went into a defense pose and braised myself for the impact of his full body-weight hitting me.

And just as he lunged towards me and slammed me against the wall, making one of the paintings fall off of the wall. I gripped his white polo shirt and threw him off of me, he lunged at me again successfully throwing us both outside onto the pavement, bursting through the front door. Some of the people walking outside gasped as we tumbled around on the ground, he tried to pin me down but I successfully flipped us over and he tried to scurry away but he didn't get far.

He got about a foot away, as I turned into my wolf. Making my shirt rip in the process, my seven-foot-tall wolf towered over his smaller form, lying sprawled out on the ground.

I stalked towards him slowly, his feet trying to get a grip on the slippery pavement. But just as I was about to lunge for his neck, a sudden weight crashed into my body and successfully pinned me down.

Looking up I saw my father looking down at me with a worried frown plastered on his seemingly ageless face.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Mr. Castel yelled, as he super sped towards us.

The guard stood up, roughly trying to wipe the dirt off of his clothes. His white polo shirt was covered in dirt stains. I looked at my father as he held me down by the throat, And suddenly his eyes became a light yellow. I looked away nervously, I whimpered trying to get away from him. He only held me down tighter.

"Shift back." He commanded as everyone else looked intrigued at us because they haven't seen this before, they don't know much about us and we don't know much about them.

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