Delicious Desire ☽ 12

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Turning on my right side I shifted my head closer to my warm pillow, My eyebrows squinted at the warm breeze against my neck. I groaned and sighed.

I opened my eyes slowly and blinked away the sleep, and my eyes were wide as saucers as I stared at the male sleeping peacefully against my chest.

If my heart would have raised it would at this moment, that scared the shit out of me for a second. I rubbed my face and stared at his face, my fang marks were already healed. His chest was moving ever so slowly. Propping my arm underneath my head, I watched him sleep.

My eyes trailed up to his chiseled jawline and smooth cheeks and high cheekbones to his long eyelashes and his perfectly sculpted eyebrows, and the mop of curls on top of his head, back down to his cherry red lips.

I scowled and looked away and to my nightstand with my alarm clock on top of it. The time read eleven o'clock. We had an hour to get to class, and today is Friday so that means we'll be doing tests all day, or if you've studied and listened in class you can leave early.

Kai moved next to me, my head whipped towards him and I looked at him as he slowly woke up and his ocean blues were revealed behind his eyelids.

He smiled but then suddenly shot straight up and looked around, he threw his legs over the bed and got off of it.

But before he could leave my room I stopped him, "Kai, wait! Let me see how your wound is doing?" I said also getting out of bed, walking around it, and walked towards him.

He didn't make eye contact with me but lifted his arm anyway, I looked at his face then at his chiseled body and abs. The wound is gone, it's perfectly healed. I gaped at his olive skin.

Shocked, I traced the non-existent mark where the scar should've been, but he winced away. And walked towards the bedroom door and threw it open, and practically sauntered out.

My arm fell down as I smirked and scoffed to myself, closing my bedroom door I grabbed my towel and went to my bathroom, getting ready for the day ahead.


I was dressed in our uniform and combed my black hair back, but letting a stray bundle of hair fall against my pale forehead. Giving off that neat but still casual look to the tresses.

I never wear ties with my uniform, so the collar was laid flat against my taunt collarbones, the silver chain on the bottom of my neck stood out too.

Walking out of my bedroom I closed the mahogany door behind me, and Kai sat already dressed at the island, drinking his sugary coffee with a half-smoked cigarette ashing in the empty ashtray. The t.v was on and was playing a random chill remix and the windows were open, thankfully so he doesn't smoke up the house.

Damn cigarettes, addicted wolf.

He was on his phone texting whoever and he didn't hear me so I took advantage of that and slowly snuck behind him, trying to scare him. But he turned and raised an eyebrow at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked drinking the last of his coffee.

I scoffed and crossed my arms, and before I could answer he said, "I'm a werewolf. An Alpha too so that's not going to work on me, baby." He added a wink at the end.

Cocky fucker.

I laughed at him and looked at him from underneath my lashes.

"Baby? I'm not your baby, and never will be. Keep dreaming... Honey."

I said whispering the last part, patting him on the shoulder he growled softly and ripped his arm away from underneath my hand.

"I told you, your hands are cold. Oh, and we'll see about that, baby." He said before grabbing his bag and saluting before he left the room.

Shaking my head I opened the fridge and grabbed an aluminum pouch as I grabbed my bag, heading to school too. Putting the thin straw in the pouch I drank the three-hundred-milliliter drink, it was finished before I could even make it to the elevator.

Pressing the G button I stared ahead and waited for the doors to open.


Entering Mr. Mclean's class I saw Zero already conversing with our other friends, walking past the other students who bowed out of respect, I only nodded at them as some gave me flirtatious looks, you get used to it over time. Being the next head of one of the strongest three species, people will try to do anything to be in your family, they could care less for who you are as a person. Only your status and species matter, and that's sad.

"Het Zero, you're here early?" I said putting my bag down on my seat.

He smiled at me as he turned his body in his seat, facing me.

"Yeah I left early this morning, you and Kai were still sleeping though. Or I think so." He added a smirk and a wink to the end.

I rolled my eyes, as if. "We slept, that's all," I said, slapping him.

He laughed and turned back to his conversation with our friends. I sat down and looked over the notes a few more times when Kai and some of his pack members walked in. He had a slight frown on his face as he heatedly talked to his future Beta.

Or so I thought. But the reason for his frown walked into the class, she was dressed in our uniform but it looked more expensive than the rest, Going by her scent she was a Hunter, not really a threat more like a cub next to the Alpha.

"Kai, I'm telling you. You're my mate!" The female werewolf screamed, all of the attention was on them now. As heads snapped in their direction.

Uh, what?!

Uh, what?!

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