Delicious Desire ☽ 8

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I slowly clapped at the heaving wolf, his eyes were yellow slits, he stalked towards me as I dropped my hands slowly by my side.

Our locked gazes never faltered, he came up right in front of me. His scent was masked by the stench of blood and sweat, but there was an underlying scent of sweetness too.

I could feel the puffs of warm air on my neck as he growled low in his throat at me. An animalistic sound.

Grasping his shoulders I slammed him against the wall too fast for human eyes to see, he leaned in closer with a tight gritted jaw.

"What is your problem?" He grasped out.

I laughed as he pushed against my hands, I looked down at his hands confused he actually made a few centimeters of headway but I pushed him back again.

But he took the opportunity and flipped us around, now I was the one pinned against the wall. I smiled to myself.


He sneered at me but a hand landed on his shoulder and his whole body was thrown away from me.

"Young Master, are you okay?" Teal asked as he bowed his upper body.

I grasped the edges of my jacket and popped the collar back, as the now even more angry wolf walked towards us. There was a gash on his left eyebrow and the droplet ran down his chiseled cheek and jaw. But his red gleaming eyes made it even more menacing.

I didn't answer the man as I walked away from his bowing figure, I ran towards Kai and smirked. Yes, I've wanted to fight him for a while now.

He stopped right in front of me, and pinned us both down on the floor, he held the collar of my beige jacket.

"You intrigue me, Kai. That's why."

Kai scoffed and dramatically ripped his hands away from my jacket and stood up.

I laid surprised on the floor, Zero and Teal leaned over me. Zero held an amused smile on his face but the opposite was true for Teal, he looked worried. Raising my arms they helped me up.

Leo fell into step next to Kai, as they walked away from the Combat grounds. Both covered in dirt and questionable fluids, some theirs but mostly not.

"What did you tell him?" Zero asked as he watched their retreating figures.

I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Nothing that wasn't true."


About an hour after Kai and Leo left the training or sparring was done for the day, there wasn't a person not covered in some sort of substance or liquid.

"Let's go take a shower, we reek," I said as I smelled my arm. Grimacing at the smell I quickly dropped my arm away from my face.

Zero nodded as he dried his hands on his pants. All the men from both groups all walked to one place.

Boy's Restrooms, one of two on the Combat grounds.

Things got messy and the Faculty reluctantly built a new set of restrooms, but these with showers built in too. It wasn't a huge building, one door for entering and exiting, inside was rows and rows of lockers lined the middle, with cubicles and benches placed around. And the showers lined one big wall, only shower heads and taps jutted out from the wall. And a few mini windows on the top of the wall for some natural light.

All of us piled in as I quickly removed my sweat-soaked shirt and threw it in my laundry basket in my locker, doing the same with my sweats and briefs. I was completely comfortable in my skin so walking around naked was never a problem for me personally.

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