The first day of the rest of his life

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To say it was gruelling would be an understatement, but to say it was too much would be unfair to both Aizawa and Izuku. Aizawa new how to teach, that much was clear otherwise Nezu wouldn't have hired him, as Izuku had come to know that not only was Aizawa a great hero, but also worked at the best Hero school in Japan.

Aizawa POV (kinda)
It seemed everyday the kid would do something else to impress him. On the first day, he pushed himself to his limit, on the second week he had improved greatly already, which he needed to in order to prepare for the entrance exam that was coming up. Aizawa knew he couldn't tell Izuku what the test would be about, but he was starting to believe the kid wouldn't need it. He'd probably have to do what he did, and transfer across during the sports festival, as it's much harder to analyse and outsmart a robot than it is a human, but Shota really believed in him.

All this to say that when he seemed to be slowing up earlier than usual, he was suspicious, and maybe a little worried, so he called the kid over. "Hey, Izuku." He saw the turn of his head, maybe even a slight flinch. He'd seen it a few times before, but If the kid didn't want to bring it up, he wouldn't pry. But now, it was impacting his training, so it needed to be addressed. Izuku walked over, and so he asked "where are you hurt?", trying not to let any of his worry show. He saw a flash of panic, then acceptance as Izuku seemed to accept he had been caught. "It's just my leg" he said, pulling his trousers up to show the small burn mark. This caused him to quirk his eyebrows "Now, how did that happen?" At that, the kid turned, as if embarrassed, before replying "I was just being clumsy." He mumbled out.

Shota let his expression soften, "Ok kid, just let me know if you need help with anything. Now, go continue your training, you need to be prepared for the exam." And with that, the topic was dropped.

Izuku POV (again, kinda)
Kacchan was being nicer than usual, although nicer was probably the wrong word. Less interested would probably be a better fit, as he was focusing more and more on preparing for the exam, just like he was. Either, he was glad for the peace, at least he wouldn't have to explain any more injuries to Aizawa sensei, that would be very disruptive, especially this close to the exam. Izuku knew, if he was being reasonable, that he probably wouldn't make it into the hero course, at least not to begin with. Luckily for him, Aizawa had said that even if he only made it into the General Education classes, he could keep training with him whenever Aizawa found the time, he'd have a lot less If he didn't expel his whole close again this year.

He knew he was being selfish, but he was a bit upset to be losing some of his teachers attention, but the smarter part of him was more thankful for the opportunity in the first place. Now, all he needed to do was figure out the weak points on the robots from last years entrance exams, and hope the design hadn't changed too much since then either. With what he'd heard of Nezu, he wouldn't be surprise if he had just completely reconfigured everything, at least from every story Aizawa had told him of working under the mouse-bear headmaster, he'd even heard him call "rat-bastard" under his breath when he was called back in for an emergency meeting, which Izuku thought was a little rude to say about your boss.

He just hoped he'd be able to find some way to analyse Nezu's quirk, try and see how it worked. Maybe if he asked Aizawa sensei really nicely he'd let him meet the "rat bastard". Izuku had a little chuckle at the thought, before turning back to the schematics. He began to wonder if the joints of the robot would be able to withstand his full force...

A/N I'm pretty proud of this one, I hope the different POVs wasn't too confusing, and I also hope you enjoyed. Make sure to have a wonderful day, wherever you are.

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