The Midoriya way

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Shinso flinched as Izuku glared, his look almost enough of a response. He looked away, almost missing the way the gaze softened slightly.

"Why did you do it?" The question was a shock to Shinso. He assumed the boy knew, that he understood that Shinso had truly been trying to help calm him down.

All this time, had he thought Shinso had done it maliciously, or maybe he just wanted to hear Shinso say it himself, just to confirm.

"W-well, I was trying to help you calm down, but now I realise it was a mistake, and I'm sorry."

He heard a sigh escape from the other boy's lips. "I'm not very good at being mad at people. It's just not the Midoriya way." Shinso almost raised his head but Izuku's next words made him hesitate. "That doesn't mean I forgive you. Something being an honest mistake still means it's a mistake, and I'm expecting you to make up for it."

Shinso stood, walking past the boy and towards the door, opening it. He turned towards Izuku, quietly saying "Thank you."

Just as he walked and the door was about to close, he heard Izuku speak up once more.

"And if you ever do it again I won't hesitate to gut you like a fish." The almost cheery tone the boy used made it all the scarier.

Shinso practically scarpered back to his own classes dorms.
Mirio walked out of his and All Might's usual talking place, said man still in the room behind him.

He'd just told the hero, well former hero, that Izuku had started to figure out what was going on. He wasn't mad, but he was certainly worried, probably more than Mirio himself.

When he thought about it, he really did look and act like the next All Might. He had no doubt that the very smart first year would figure it out eventually, but he wasn't as worried about that anymore.

His reasoning probably sounded weird from the outside, but after having the explosive blonde also question him about the "lightning" he was almost certain that the green haired menace had told him something, but what made Mirio less worried was that it appeared that was all he had divulged to the boy.

To him, that made it clear that Izuku didn't actually want any sort of dangerous secret to come out, especially as he only told one person.

Maybe Mirio was over analysing it, but he trusted the green haired boy, at least a little.

It didn't hurt that Sir Nighteye also seemed to like the boy.

That reminded him, he needed to prepare for Izuku's first patrol tomorrow.

He couldn't afford to let his little friend down.
Izuku walked into the Nighteye offices, costume case in hand. He was actually pretty excited, and not just for the patrol.

With his somewhat unfortunate addition of a quirk, he needed to get a new hero suit, especially if he wanted to be able to partially transform like he had against Mirio.

He looked down at the suit. It was mostly dark green, with the seems covered in strips of black material. Supposedly, when he transformed fully or partially, the suit was designed to fit his new forms.

He wasn't exactly sure how it worked, but he knew it was made using his DNA like Mirio's suit, so it probably transformed with him, which made him realise this quirk was now part of his DNA.

He moved on quickly from that thought.

He quickly dressed, the suit being quite easy to put on. He walked out of the changing rooms, meeting Mirio in the main area.

The boy appeared slightly nervous, but he was pretty sure the patrol wasn't the reason. He might've have gone a bit far with his teasing, but Mirio was such an easy target. He did not have the self control to stop himself from doing it.

But, he'd do his best to do it less often, it wouldn't do to have what was practically his new mentor nervous around him.

They walked out together, Nighteye having already informed them of the plan.

Their patrol was meant to be very simple, and it seemed to be going that way. Mostly they waved to civilians. Not finding anything suspicious or criminal. Izuku was starting to get bored, finding himself somewhat glad that Mirio was able to keep the conversation going for the both of them, talking about the uses of patrolling.

Izuku already knew all this, after training with Aizawa for about a year it was impossible to not have heard him rant about patrols over and over again.

Still it was something to listen to.

He kept his eyes firmly on the surroundings, using his heightened senses to look for anything suspicious. It was too peaceful for Izuku, he felt certain that Nighteye's intel on the Yakuza building up was true, they must have dragged even their lowest grunts back to main base, leaving hardly anyone to commit criminal acts in the area.

That did not make Izuku feel anything good.

Suddenly, he heard something, the running of bare feet, coming from... Up ahead!

"Mirio, somethings coming round the corner up ahead." The boy gave a nod to acknowledge that he'd heard.

Izuku crept closer, before turning the corner. He felt something barrel in to his legs, but it didn't have much weight behind it. He looked down to see a young girl, covered in bandages, long, white hair flowing down her shoulders, but he didn't notice that.

He was far too focused on the absolute terror in her eyes. He knelt down, pulling her close as he heard the sound of more footsteps from the alley.

Whoever it was, it was clear the girl was terrified of them.

"Now now Eri, we don't want to waste the hero's time." Izuku clutched the girl, apparently called Eri, even harder. He clenched his teeth, letting Mirio take the lead. If he tried to speak, he wasn't sure he would be able to withhold a growl. "Sorry about that, we're just hero trainees, not actual pros." Mirio gave of a laugh, Izuku just hoped it fooled the man before them.

He looked up, just for a second, and saw how screwed they were.

The man was their target, Kai Chisaki.

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