Is it enough?

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Shinso really wanted to go see Izuku. He had arrived last night at the 1A dorms, but quickly headed to his room. He wanted so badly to be able to help him, but last time he tried.... It hadn't gone so well.

So he stayed firmly within the 1B dorms, then the 1B classroom, then away from him during lunch. Every time he saw Izuku wince, his hurt lurched. He wanted so badly to go help him, but he knew If he went up to him know he'd probably only make it worse.

Bakugo was the one to look after his friend, which felt like a cruel role reversal. His only solace was that he had gained his provisional licence, as had all of 1A.

He'd even heard that Todoroki and Bakugo had only passed by a point or 2, but that was of minor consequence when he couldn't even talk to his friend.

He'd just be patient.
To say Izuku was jittery would be an understatement, but Aizawa understood why. Not only had he been attacked in the last few days, and by the people who had kidnapped him before, he but he still wasn't fully accustomed to his quirk, even less so to the transformation side of it.

That didn't mean he could let the boy slack off, he still had work to do, and stuff to catch up on as well.

Help came from an unlikely source, with Bakugo helping Izuku with any outstanding work, Aizawa finding them in the dorms studying together a lot. If he was being honest, he was expecting Shinso to be the one helping him, but it seemed they hadn't reconciled yet, and Izuku didn't seem to be in any mood to do so.

Aizawa just sighed, why did children have to be so confusing.

He returned his attention back to the request he was writing. He just hoped the big three would be able to aptly explain the internships to everyone, otherwise he'd have to do it himself. Why did all his students have to actually have potential this year, last year was so much more relaxing.

Deeming it good enough, he sent off the request to the big three, before heading to bed, laying next to his already asleep husband.

He'd leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's him.
Izuku perked up as Aizawa mentioned that they would be taking more involved internships this time. After missing out last time, he was all the more excited.

His excitement only grew as the big three walked in, although most of his classmates didn't seem to know who they were. Being the fanboy that he was, he religiously watched all the sports festivals to keep an eye out for future heroes, and although none of them had performed very well in them, their quirks were very versatile while being very complicated, and he was glad to see that they had realised some of their potential.

His excitement fell slightly when their presentation failed, Amajiki too self conscious, Hado to distracted and Togata being unable to make up for them.

However, his excitement sky rocketed at the mention of a fight between 1A and Mirio himself, with also a slight bit of fear. He knew how strong the boy must be, especially as the top of the school.

He'd have to use his analysis if he had any hope of winning.
Izuku stood among his classmates, staring at Togata from across the battleground.

Then it began. In an instant the boy disappeared, leaving behind a pile of clothes. He really should have made him wear his hero suit.

He felt a slight movement in the ground behind him, apparently being the only one to notice it. "He's coming from over there!" He shouted as he turned to the direction of the slight shaking.

Just as he shouted, Togata popped out of the ground, upper cutting both Mineta and Jiro, although hitting the smaller boy much harder due to him taking the hit first.

Either way, that was two down. Almost instantly, the boy shot back into the ground, and Izuku concentrated on trying to sense any incoming attacks.

He turned again as he noticed a slight vibration, only to be met with the falling bodies of 3 more of his classmates. He was only getting faster.

Izuku kept turning towards any underground movement, almost always finding some of his classmates on the ground groaning in pain. He was slight surprised that he hadn't been targeted yet, but as a close range fighter it only made sense.

Bakugo seemed to have realised what Izuku was doing, and moved to stand beside him.

In only a few moments they were the only ones remaining, with even Todoroki being taken out. The boy had erupted in flames in a futile attempt to keep Togata away, only to be extinguished as he was knocked out by a chop to the neck.

Bakugo let out a slight growl of frustration, but Izuku quickly silenced him. If they didn't want to end up like the others then he needed to hear and sense things as well as he possibly could.

He felt a slight rumble from behind him, and quickly leapt forward, turning in midair. Bakugo quickly jumped with him, barely avoiding Mirio as he shot out of the ground. The boy appeared to look round in confusion, before turning to see the 2 boys.

He appeared to give a slight nod of approval, before disappearing back into the ground.

At least they had gotten one thing out of this, a bit of Togata's approval.

He felt another slight movement from the ground, this time right below them. He jumped backwards this time, but Bakugo wasn't fast enough.

Togata shot up from the ground, passing through Bakugo. The explosive blonde appeared to have no idea what to do about his impermeable opponent, but tried to throw a punch at his face as the boy moved away slightly.

The boy made a motion towards Bakugo's eyes, and like any normal person he closed them for protection.

Izuku watched as Mirio nailed Bakugo in the stomach with a punch, causing the boy to practically keel over.

And then there was 1. Izuku felt pretty sure that he could keep dodging for a while, but that would just be delaying his defeat. He needed to somehow go on the offensive.

He had an idea.

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