The first

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Today was the first day of U.A. Izuku had prepared everything the night before, trying to make sure the actual day went as smoothly as it could.

Still, he couldn't help but worry. What if he went to the wrong room? What if he fainted? What if everyone hated him for being quirkless, like they did in every other school?

He knew Aizawa would be there, and would listen to any problems he had, but he also had his own class to teach, and Izuku didn't want to bring up anything small and take up the man's time, especially after everything he'd done for him. He'd just have to live with it, like every other year. If he was lucky, Aizawa may even be able to reign In kacchan, even a little, but that might also be wishful thinking. Aizawa respected potential, and Izuku could see practically limitless amounts in Bakugo, and so could Bakugo himself, who had already accessed many of the potential facets his quirk could bring, such as increasing speed and even flying.

Izuku sighed, at least, until he made it into the hero course, he wouldn't actually have to deal with the explosive blonde, and maybe if he crossed his extra jointed toes hard enough, the extreme temper of said blonde would have been dealt with, at least to some degree.

One problem at a time, he reminded himself. He needed to get through his first day before he thought so far ahead.


Izuku walked into his class, 1C, and took a seat next to a purple haired boy who introduced himself as Shinso. Izuku might have even called him cute, if he wasn't so surprised at the glares that were being sent said boy's way. It seemed like at least 3 members of the class hated Shinso, but Izuku couldn't figure out why. Oh well, people were irrational, he reminded himself. He almost giggled at how much he sounded like Aizawa, but kept his composure. Although the small questioning look Shinso gave him seemed to signify he hadn't done a good a job as he'd hoped.

Less than a minute later, the teacher walked in. Izuku could barely contain himself as he saw that his Homeroom teacher was none other than the pro hero snipe, already internally fanboying. Snipe took registration, then took them to orientation, where principle Nezu talked to them for a little too long, at least in Izuku's opinion.

When it was over, he could see some of the hero course students walking back, Kacchan within the group. When the blonde noticed him, a blazing rage seemed to appear in his eyes, glaring right through Izuku. He flinched back slightly, turning away from the group turning to see Shinso narrow his eyes in Bakugo's direction.

"You were always so timid Deku." Izuku jumped, not realising that Bakugo had made it so close. Shinso's gaze hardened, staring at the angry blonde behind him.

Obviously deeming neither of the general education 'extras' in front of him worth his time, Bakugo scoffed and caught up with the rest of the hero course students.

"You alright?" Shinso asked him, purple eyes catching his gaze before he lowered his head. "It's just Bakugo, he-he's always been like that." Izuku turned away, not ready to see pity or disgust in the eyes of the one person in his class who even seemed to know he existed. When the class had introduced themselves, everyone talked about or showed their quirks. Obviously, Izuku had nothing to show, and when Shinso went up, a few of his fellow classmates booed him, and then he revealed his quirk, 'brainwashing'. He received even more booing as he returned to his seat, and even a few shouts of villain, which Snipe quickly ended.

They both connected on their discrimination from their peers, Shinso viewed as a villain, and Izuku not viewed at all.

All this to say, he didn't want to lose the only connection he had so far, but he didn't have to be. When he finally met his gaze, he saw a smirk on his lips, and a cheeky look in his eyes.

"Next time he does anything like that, let me know. I really want to mess around with a guy like that."

With that, they both headed back to class, collecting their bags before heading to the gate. As they were about to part ways, Izuku said "Thank you Shinso, I'll see you tomorrow." All he got in reply was a wink and a nod.

He rushed home, he couldn't wait to tell his mum he'd finally made a friend. Maybe this school wouldn't be as bad as his others, as long as he had Shinso around. Maybe he should ask him how his quirk actually worked, if he'd be willing to actually share it of course.

Izuku couldn't have know how badly things were about to go.

A/N please don't hate me for the cliffhanger. I'll make the next chapter longer to fit all I have planned in it. Have a great day!

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