A new challenge

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A/N I know I didn't explain this, but I couldn't find a natural way to put it in. After Izuku came back, all the students moved into the dorm. Due to only Izuku being taken, and Inko being very loving towards her son, everyone was allowed to go with little convincing of the parents.

Today was the day. Aizawa shook himself awake far too early for his own liking, but he had a job to do. After getting ready and drinking a few too many cups of coffee, he rushed out the door, shouting a good bye to Hizashi, who had just woken up.

He practically leapt out of his car, rushing to collect the paperwork necessary for his class to participate. Feeling far too lazy, he swung himself up to a conveniently left open window and pulled himself in.

He checked that he did have all the correct paperwork, then sat down and took a deep breath for the first time that day. He checked his watch, seeing that he had at least 10 minutes before the earliest class members would arrive. So maybe this event was making him slightly anxious, but he knew how much harder it would be this year.

Only 100 students could pass onto the second round, and the Odds were against all his students making it. If you counted "the crushing of U.A" their chances got even worse. But he did believe in them, if he didn't they wouldn't be here today. He would've made sure of that.

He'd just have to put his faith in past Shota's judgement.
Izuku was nervous, as was everyone. It was the most important day of their lives so far, so it wasn't a surprise. He had to keep stopping himself from mumbling and tapping his feet, things he did when he was anxious and full of jittery energy.

It didn't help that he could hear everyone else's nervous ticks, as well as Aizawa's muttering at the front of the bus. He had to focus on something, deciding to try and strike up a conversation with Bakugo. "So, Kacchan, feeling prepared?"

Bakugo turned to face him with a tut. "Of course I am nerd. Remember, we took down All Might."

"Oh yeah, it feels like that was so long ago..."

Well, that definitely didn't help. It just reminded him what his capture had led to. Bakugo seemed to realise what he'd done, and appeared to flounder. He wasn't very good at comforting others, but simply watching him try helped a bit.

"It's ok Kacchan. I'll get over it, eventually." With that, he stilled somewhat, and Izuku was glad they had chosen to sit as far back as they could, away from any prying eyes.

He liked his classmates, but being curious teenagers, some of them weren't the best at boundaries. It wasn't too bad, but it was slightly annoying to keep reminding them that he could look after himself.

He appreciated their concern, not so much their overbearing protectiveness.

He returned to looking out the window, waiting for the bus to finally arrive at the testing centre. For a moment, he let his mind wander to class b and Shinso, but he couldn't feel for his friend like he used to.

The deepest part of him kind of wanted him to fail, but the rest of him still wanted his peer to succeed. He no longer saw what Shinso did as wrong inherently, but his not asking kept Izuku from forgiving him.

He really didn't know if he ever would.
Finally, they had arrived. Izuku stepped of the bus to the site of the pro hero, Ms. Joke, talking to Aizawa. Well, trying to talk to, it seemed Aizawa was doing his best to ignore the women, and Izuku could see why.

Their personalities could not have been more different. While seeing Aizawa with a smile was practically a miracle, it was rare to see the female pro hero without one. Where Aizawa was quiet and recluse, Ms. Joke was outgoing and loud.

She was kind of like Present Mic in that sense, but obviously Aizawa had none of the affection the he held for his husband with her.

Luckily, it wasn't long before the time of the exam, and the groups surrounding them left, including Ms. Joke's class, and the class of a boy who had, for some reason, joined in on there "plus ultra" call, then apologised by bowing so low he literally smacked his head into the floor.

Was everyone going to be that weird?

He shook his head, trying to refocus himself on the task ahead. As they walked in, Izuku found his gaze drawn to Ms. Joke's class again, specifically a blonde haired girl. There was something... off about her. It was like Izuku had met her before, and he did not like that.

Unfortunately, he didn't have long to ponder on it, his attention returning to his own class as they walked into the stadium.

However, that feeling wouldn't leave his mind. That person had reminded him of when he was at the leagues hideout.

He chalked it up to his nerves, she didn't look like any league members, and surely Ms. Joke would have realised if one of her class was part of a villain group.

You really shouldn't ignore your instincts.
Izuku could feel Bakugo getting more and more frustrated. With his stronger senses, he even heard very quiet pops, showing how close the boy actually was to exploding, both figuratively and literally. He decided to gently place a hand on the blonde boy's shoulder, effectively distracting him. Bakugo sent him a look, a mix between a glare and an apology, which Izuku simply replied to with a smile.

Soon after, a man who practically looked like a zombie walked out. "Welcome to the provisional license exam, I need to sleep, and I'll be overseeing you today. For the first round everyone will have 3 targets placed on their body, in positions that can be hit and seen, I'm so tired, and everyone will get 6 balls too. You are out when all of your targets have been hit by the balls. Good luck, I need a nap."

After that very confusing speech, it was finally time to begin. "It's best if we stick together, after the sports festival they'll believe they know our abilities and target us." Izuku saw his classmates nod in agreement, except Todoroki and Bakugo, which was to be expected.

Todoroki had seemed sort of out of it after that overzealous boy had come over to them. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to think about it.

The exam had begun.

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