More than was bargained for

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Izuku was quickly rushed to the hospital after they managed to lower the protective barrier surrounding the stands.

Luckily, the knife appeared to have missed most of his vital areas, but he was still losing a major amount of blood. That, plus the exhaustion from taking the test, make class 1A extremely quiet as they went back.

Aizawa quickly thought to inform Nezu of what happened, and also Shinso. No matter what had happened between them, the boy deserved to know.

This time, it really wasn't his fault, and when he returned home Hizashi said as much. That knowledge did little to calm him, and he resorted to spend the evening snuggling with the man. As worried as he was, he knew stressing over something he couldn't change wouldn't help anyone, so tried to focus as much as he could on the enjoyable moment with his husband.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by a ringing sound. This turned out to be a call from Nezu saying that his class would have an extra day off, but only one.

As much as he wanted them to have as much time as they needed, he knew they needed to grow as much as possible, if the year they were having was anything to go by.

He drifted off in his husbands warm embrace, emerging into his nightmares once again.
"Fuck!" For what was probably the hundredth time that day, Bakugo screamed into the air. He'd managed to hold it together all the way back to the dorms, but now in the comfort of his own bedroom the memory of what happened that day came to him again.

Seeming himself almost die at the hands of stapler face and the rest of that stupid league, which could've been much worse if Ty why hadn't captured a lot of them at the camp and then at Kamino, to then find Izuku bleeding out on the rocky terrain, a knife sticking out of him.

He found himself rushing to the bathroom, his stomach emptying. That act seemed to drain him of any remaining energy and he slumped down next to the toilet. He shakily coughed, then slid down some more. He didn't feel like moving, so there he slept.

Unfortunately, no matter how tired he was, the memories consumed his sleeping mind all the same.
Izuku felt like he was floating in a black void. Sounds and images flashed around him, and he realised it was his memories, old and new. Some from his time at the league, others from the years of bullying he had faced.

His mind was playing a highlight reel of all the worst moments from his life, all culminating in him staring up at All for One before the extreme pain consumed him. Everything that had gone wrong after Kamino was because of that man. His worries over his quirk, the leagues attack on the exam.

He was the route cause. Izuku felt his anger bubbling and growing, and for the first time his mind showed him something other than memories. He envisioned going to where that evil man was held and meeting the smirk that would undoubtedly be on the man's face, before reaching up to his neck and squeezing as hard as he could, not letting go until the smirk turned into a face of fear, and then nothing. He felt joy as he looked at the dead man before him.

Then he realised what he had just imagined. What was happening to him, he wasn't like this. He felt his panic rising, he didn't even know himself anymore.

The fear was enough to shock him awake.
Inko sat beside her son's hospital bed for the second time in only a few months. What was happening in their lives, after years of calm her son had almost died twice in less than a year at U.A.

She was starting to regret her decision to let him enter the dorms, but a slight wimped from Izuku returned her focus back to him, reminding why she had agreed. It was what Izuku wanted, and she didn't have the heart to take it away from him.

That whimper soon turned into ragged breathing, getting more and more panicked. Inko quickly left the room to get a doctor. She didn't know what was happening, but she tried to remain calm. Suddenly, her son's eyes snapped open, and he shot up, taking in deep breaths. He looked around wildly, until his eyes landed on her. She held back her whirlwind of emotions, focusing on looking after her son. She went over to him as the doctor checked the readings. She hugged him, and he practically melted into her touch. She didn't ask what had caused her son's distress, he would share it himself if he wanted to.

After getting an all clear from the doctor, Inko sat down again, watching as Izuku pushed himself up, wincing slightly.

"How long was I unconscious?" Was the first thing he asked. She tried her best to keep her voice steady, but it still warbled slighty with her reply. "It's only been one night since the exam, the doctors fixed you quite quickly and were able to let you wake up naturally." If Izuku noticed anything, he didn't bring it up, merely nodding in response.

She cleared her throat. "The doctors say you can leave tonight, and the teachers say I can drop you off at the dorms." Izuku blinked heavily, obviously still tired. "I'd like that." He said, slowly laying back down.

She tried to flash him a reassuring smile, but it wasn't her best effort. "Ok honey, I'll just go fill out the paperwork then we can head out." He yawned slightly, then gave a nod.

Inko turned, walking out of the room quietly. When Izuku could no longer see her face, she let the smile drop. As she walked out the door, she closed it gently.

Only then did she allow her tears to fall.

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