Concerns and reconciliations

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Shinso slapped his friends head gently, breaking him from his spiral of self deprecating thoughts. Izuku looked up at him, both fear and shock on his face, which soon morphed into pure sadness.

"I should go home..." the blankness in his voice hiding all the turbulent emotions. Shinso wasn't going to let him be alone. "I'll come with you, it's about time I met your mother."

For the first time since he'd heard the news, Izuku smiled, even if only slightly. "He'll be alright, he's tough." Izuku wiped his eyes, and replied "Yeah, you're right, but I should still go see him, at the very least to give him a good whack for being so reckless." Shinso snorted slightly. "Can I come? I want to be there to see that." Izuku gave him a grateful smile, slightly larger this time. "I'm sure that would be fine, I think Aizawa would want to meet you too. If I ask nicely enough he might even let you join us for a training session or 2." With that, they continued forward.

"Come on Shinso, we don't want to be late. Making my mother angry before you even meet her probably isn't a good look." Izuku took of running, Shinso hot on his heels. "But it's not my fault we're late!" Izuku gave of a gentle laugh, his troubles momentarily forgotten. "Try explaining that to her when you get there!"

For a moment, everything was ok.
He hadn't realised how much pain he was in until after Mic had berated him for being so reckless and hard on himself. He was thankful he had such a caring husband to look after him, but he had 20 students he had to look after as well. So, no matter the pain he was in, if he could move, he'd teach. And so, after only 2 days of rest which the students also had off, he returned back to school.

On the second day, both Izuku and Shinso had come to see him, the latter leaving much of the talking to the former. Izuku berated him, hugged him, then berated him again. It was all very heartfelt, and both Aizawa and Shinso seemed uncomfortable with interrupting Izuku, so he left that hospital room with a rasping voice and slightly tear stained cheeks, from all the talking, shouting and crying he had done.

Aizawa was grateful to have someone else who cared for him so much, but he also didn't like how the kid was beating himself up over the situation. When he had a break after going back to U.A, he'd find the time to talk to the kid about what happened, and try and alleviate any worries or fears.

First, he needed to figure out how to function with no coffee and in a large amount of pain, while not letting Zashi know how much pain he was really in. Nobody said forcing yourself to work 2 days after sustaining major injuries, but Aizawa was anything but a quitter.
To say Izuku was angry when he saw Aizawa in school only 3 days after a near death experience would be an understatement. Unfortunately, due to being in the school cafeteria he couldn't show his anger as he would've liked, instead settling for his strongest of death glares.

Izuku was concerned, and he had every reason to be. Aizawa was in pain, so much that he wasn't able to hide it perfectly, as he would have normally. Unfortunately, getting his mentor to actually rest was nye impossible, so he'd settle for a day of planning at home, instead Aizawa was here, caked in bandages, hobbling about like he hadn't just been crushed by a massive monster.

The only reason that Izuku wasn't dragging the man to the infirmary right then and there, was that he understood what Aizawa was feeling at the moment. He wanted to, no needed to be useful, and Izuku felt the same whenever he was injured, so that's why he didn't embarrass the man.

Well, that and he didn't want to injure the man anymore. So, he was stuck with just glaring, Shinso trying to suppress his laughing as he watched the small green bean glare at a pro hero.

A/N I know it's a bit shorter but I wanted to move onto the next part and it would be too long if I put that here.

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