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We pull up to a fancy white, two story house with an absurd amount of windows.

It's a cute house.

"Um, our other roommate should be home, his name is Eben. He's a really nice guy" Jonah smiles and we get out of the car.

We get into the house and there's two tall blonde guys standing in the living room, yelling at a something on the tv.

"Um, guys?" Jonah laughs, getting the two guys attention

"Oh, uh, hello" One tall blonde with ocean blue eyes says, eyeing me up and down

"Y/n, this is Eben and Daniel" Corbyn smiles, pointing to each of the guys

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" Eben smiles, shaking my hand. "You have a great taste in linger-"

"Okay! Um, let me show you to my room, where you can sleep if you want" Corbyn grabs my hand, pulling me towards the stairs.

We make it to Corbyn's room which is full of science stuff. Like star lights on the ceiling and little alien things surrounding his desk. He's got a few fancy guitars as well.

"Would you like something to change into? A shirt or something?" Corbyn asks, getting my attention off his room

"A sweater please" I smile and Corbyn nods going into his closet. He comes out, holding an all black hoodie. 

"The bathroom is right there, I'll be back in a few minutes, I'll grab you some water" He kisses my lips softly and leaves his room.

I go to the bathroom, changing out of my dress and into his sweater. I take in its scent as it smells just like him. I take off my makeup the best I can with just some water.

I walk out of the bathroom and curl up in his large bed full of fluffy blankets.

Corbyn walks in a few minutes later with a glass of water and he places it down on the table beside me. I say a quiet thank you and he kisses my cheek.

He leaves to his closet, getting changed into a pair of sweats before climbing in bed with me.

I fall asleep in his arms.

I wake up around 3 in the morning, dying of thirst.

I sit up, trying not to wake up Corbyn, I take his arm off from around my waist, placing it lightly by his side.

I drink everything in the glass but I'm still thirsty.

I get out of bed, successfully not waking up Corbyn.

I slowly walk down the stairs, trying not to make any noise to wake anyone up. I make it to the kitchen and I start filling my cup back up with a cold bottle I found in the fridge.

When I'm just about done, I hear a noise from outside the front door. I duck down behind the kitchen island and the front door opens. I bite my lip to insure I don't make a sound when the light comes on.

Did that guy find me?
Does he know I'm here?
Does he know the boys?

"Uh, who are you? Why are you in my house?" I flinch, looking up to see another tall blonde gentleman that I've never seen before

"Uh- Um, I'm sorry- I" I stutter, from how terrified I am.

"How did you get in here?! Get out!" He starts to yell

"I'm sorry- Just, just let me change" I panic

"Now!" He yells, I grab my car keys off the counter and run out the door.

No shoes, no wallet, no phone, just my car keys and Corbyn's sweater.

*Corbyn POV*

I wake up to the sun shining directly onto my face. I cover my face with my blanket, rolling over trying to get the extra sleep.

I feel around the bed, realizing Y/n's gone. I don't hear the shower, so she must be down getting breakfast.

I get out of bed, seeing Y/n's stuff all scattered around my room. I pull up my sweats and head down the stairs.

Jonah's up cooking breakfast and Eben's out in the living room on his phone.

"Hey, she up yet?" Jonah asks, scrambling some eggs

"Uh, yeah, I figured she was down here helping you" I look around

"No, I haven't seen her all morning" Jonah laughs, but stops himself

"Y/n!" I yell throughout the lower floor of the house, about to run back upstairs when Jordan comes down. "When did you get home?"

"Like three in the morning, you'll never guess what happened!" Jordan smirks while I panic

"I don't have time dude, have you seen Y/n?" I pull out my phone, calling her number, hoping she picks up

"Uh- Shit..." Jordan whispers. I hear her phone ring from my bedroom.

"What did you do?" Jonah panics

"Okay, let me explain myself. I didn't know Y/n was here. So when I saw the girl I freaked out and kicked her out of the house at three in the morning." I'm about to rip Jordan's head off.

"You kicked her out?! Did you at least let her put pants on or something?! Did she walk or take her car? Holy fuck, get away from me!" I shout, pushing Jordan out of my way.

"I thought she broke in!"

"Who breaks in with no pants on?!" Moron.

"She took some keys off the counter and left. I'm sorry man. Next time tell me your girlfriend is gonna be here"

"She's not my girlfriend"

"They aren't dating, just fuck buddies" Jonah chuckles

"Alright, while you two laugh, I'm going to find her so I don't get my ass fired" I race upstairs, quickly getting my suit on. I grab Y/n's things and race down the stairs.

"Should I come?" Jonah asks, sipping his coffee. I roll my eyes.

I quickly get my shoes on and run out to my BMW. If Jordan gets us fired, I'm so screwed. The boys will absolutely hate me for screwing this all up.

I get in my car and I automatically start driving to her house. I'm praying she'll be there because if she's not, then I'm definitely in trouble.

I get to her gated community and show the man my ID and he lets me in. I pull up to her house and sigh in relief as I see her yellow Mercedes in the drive way.

I park my car in its designated spot in the drive way and I race to her car. I look in the window to see Y/n sleeping in the back seat.

I tap on the window causing her to flinch awake. Y/n looks up at me with red swollen eyes, like she's been crying all night long.

Y/n unlocks the door and slowly opens it. I pull her out and embrace her as tightly as I can.

"Mi amor, I'm so sorry. I was so worried about you"

"Wh-Who was that?" She stutters, she's freezing cold

"That was my brother. I didn't think he'd be home all week. I'm so sorry amor" I kiss the top of her head as she begins to cry into my chest.

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