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*Corbyn POV*

It's been weeks, I know it has. I've lost faith that anyone will be looking for me. No one knows I was taken, they just think I left.

Two weeks of torture that I've convinced myself that I deserve. I deserve this after everything I put Y/n through.

I can feel the blood still flowing freely down my back from the whips and slicing me open with a burning hot knife.

"You think it's okay to kill half my men, huh?" His strong voice from behind me brings me back to my reality.

I'm stuck here.

I'm facing a wall, handcuffed to a random pole in the middle of the room. The pole clearly being placed here for the soul purpose of this torture.

"I asked you a question!" He shouts again, whipping my back, directly on an open cut. I scream from the pain, but I don't give him the satisfaction of an answer.

He walks over, pouring what smells like a bottle of vodka down my back, making the cuts and burns sting so much more. I hug myself tighter to the pole, as another scream escapes my lips.

"You should've stayed dead when you had the chance to. You should've left the country. As if you thought my men wouldn't be out looking for you" A loud smack of the whip hitting my now wet back makes it more excruciating but I can't give in.

"We had a deal" I choke out, feeling my eyes forming tears but I blink them back, I have to be strong, for Y/n, for Matthew. I promised I'd fight my way back to her, so I'm fighting, but it's clear that I'm losing.

"Yeah, we had a deal! You broke that, you found her, you talked to her, that wasn't our deal!" I hear a few clicks and metal clinking together behind me, then I hear his blow touch.

"Please, Y/n found me, I was trying my best to stay away from her. Why are you doing this?" I rest my forehead against the pole, hoping it'll give me a moment to regain some strength.

"You ruined so many lives, so now I'm ending yours"

A well heated blade gets dragged across the skin on my back, causing me to scream out in pain.

"You're willing to go through all this pain, just to keep Y/n safe, huh?" He mocks as a scream of pure pain gets pushed through my lips

"You have no right to say her name, keep it out of your mouth" I let a tear fall just from hearing him say her name. I would go through any amounts of pain just to keep her safe.

"Tell me where she is, tell me where you're hiding her. I won't hesitate to kill you, Besson" A loud crack sound echos the empty room as the whip once again hits my blood soaked skin.

"Fuck... you"

I feel myself losing consciousness as black specks take over my vision. I shake my head, fighting myself to stay awake but the pain is too strong.

A bright light appears as the door opens, lighting up the almost pitch black room. I have to squint my eyes to adjust, as the door rarely opens.

"Sir, they're here" Is all I hear before passing out from the pain.

*Y/n POV*

"First floor is cleared!" Jack yells with Mara by his side.

Everyone takes off running towards the stairs while I hang back. This building, it looks so familiar, like I've been here before, but I don't know why.

Everyone is wearing black face masks, like they were when they found me with Ethan. I pull mine down, so it's resting under my chin. I take a look around from where I stand, seeing a familiar picture on the wall.

Why is that so familiar?

I jump out of my skin, feeling a large hand grab onto my upper arm. I swing my gun around, hoping to hit whoever it is in the process.

"Whoa there princess. Put your mask back on and let's go, you've gotta stay with us unless you want to wait in the car" I sigh with relief seeing Jonah pulling me towards the stairs.

I put my mask back on as Jonah told me to and follow him up the stairs. Seeing bodies scattered all over the floor makes me realize they really don't need me here, but I need to see Corbyn, I need to be the one to see it for myself that he's okay.

I look around the second floor, getting that same déjà vu feeling.

I've been here before, I know I have.

"You seriously need to get out of this daze before you get yourself killed" Daniel whisper shouts, grabbing onto my arm, pulling me towards the others who are already leaving this floor to the final one.

"I've been here before, I know I have" I mumble

"Let's clear the last floor and then we'll hear your crazy idea, okay?" Daniel sighs, I know he doesn't believe me, he thinks I'm crazy

We run up to the final floor, seeing it's an all out brawl. I hide beside a wall, peeking every once and a while seeing how many people are left.

I've made it this far without killing anyone, I don't exactly want to either. I'm just carrying around the gun to look tough, but I'm not.

I'm scared, I'm scared Corbyn isn't here, I'm scared he's already dead.

"Watch out!" Zach yells before a bullet comes flying past me. "Get your head out of your ass and start shooting! I trained you Y/n, I know you can do this!"

I pull up my gun, taking a deep breath before helping to take these guys down.

I whisper a shallow, 'sorry' with each person I hit. I don't feel any sympathy, especially if they do have Corbyn.

"Okay, what's going on with you?" Daniel walks over after we clear the floor

"I've been here before, I know I have! I'm just trying to figure out where it is!" I walk along a large empty wall, rubbing my hand across it

"Y/n, he's not here, we have to figure out a new plan" Jonah mumbles

"No, I'll find it" I protest, continuing to walk along the wall

"Y/n! You look insane, let's go!" Zach shouts

I run my hand until I feel a large crack, going from the floor to ceiling. I knew I've been here before.

I trace along the crack until I find a small dip, the door handle.

I pull my gun back out, holding it to my side, preparing for whatever could be on the other side.

I look back at the group, seeing all their faces drop in amazement. I better be getting an apology for getting called crazy after this one.

"Where the fuck are we?" Jack mumbles with a light chuckle.

Jonah looks at everyone with all their weapons drawn. He looks back at me and nods, signalling to open the door.

I pull the door open, and they all slightly run in. I follow behind, the only light that's lightening up the room is from the open doorway.

I look around the room clutching tighter on my gun, seeing ropes and chains on the walls. There's tables full of different things for torture.

As I'm scanning the room, I accidentally run into someone's back, I look seeing everyone standing in one place. I push my way through the group, coming face to face with him.


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