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*Y/n POV*

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since they got their money and I lost Corbyn.

I don't even want to imagine what they did to him. I made Corbyn betray his friends, his gang, and now he's gone.

I lay in bed, holding my hands on my slowly growing baby bump. I'm two months pregnant now.

The doctor said I was lucky, if I didn't get out when I did, or if they hurt me more, I would've lost the baby. If I lost it, I never would've forgave myself.

Dad won't let me leave the house alone and to be honest, I don't really want to. Every road I go down reminds me of Corbyn. Whether it was just us singing in the car or us, kissing at every red light we hit. I just can't get myself to leave.

"Y/n! There's a package here for you!" Dad calls from down the stairs.

Package? I didn't order anything.

I get up from my bed and slowly go down the stairs, seeing Dad holding a medium sized box. I take it from his hands and sit on the sofa.

"There's no address on it, where did it come from?"

"The man at the gate gave it to me. Said he found it this morning" I nod my head before opening the box.

I pull out a small piece of paper, all it read was, 'I'm sorry'

I look further into the box and it's money. 5 million dollars. Who left me that kind of money?


"What is it, sweetheart?" Dad asks from the kitchen

"Can I go for a drive?" I ask, ignoring his question

"Take one of my guards"

"Alone, please" Dad sighs but agrees. He doesn't really fight me to be alone anymore. He knows I need it sometimes.

"I'll be back in an hour, okay?" Dad nods his head before kissing my cheek and I leave out the door with the box of money.

I get into my Tesla and leave the gated community. I drive for what feels like forever with all the memories flowing through my head, but is only a 20 minute drive. I pull up to the familiar white house with too many windows.

I get out of the car and slowly up to the front door. Am I really doing this?

I knock lightly and voices are heard throughout the house. A few seconds later, the door opens, revealing Jordan, Corbyn's brother.

"Um, Y/n? What are you doing here?" Jordan stands, stunned in the doorway. I try to fight the tears as I realize how much he looks like Corbyn.

"Um, you-your brother, um-"

"Y/n?" I look behind Jordan to see Eben, looking just as surprised as Jordan was

"This was his share, I think, and I don't know if you did a funeral or anything but I thought it'd be best to give it to you, Jordan" I rush my words out as I hand him the box, getting ready to leave but he stops me

"Y/n, I can't take this. He would've wanted you to have it back" Jordan smiles, trying to hand me the box back

"Keep it, it's my way to apologize. I'm sorry for everything I did to your brother" I force a smile before heading back to my car.

*Corbyn POV*

"She's gone!" Jordan yells to me as I hide in the kitchen.

Hearing her voice again, brings the pain right back.

Why didn't she keep the money? I don't want it.

"You really shouldn't be staying here man, what if she sees you? She thinks your dead bro!" Eben argues but I roll my eyes.

"What happened to her face? She's got stitches and bruises all over" Jordan questions

"I'm going for a drive" I mumble, ignoring everyone's questions and comments as I grab the keys to my new car

"You're seriously going to watch her again, aren't you?" Jordan chuckles, crossing his arms.

"It's the only time I actually get to see her, get to see our baby grow" I throw on my jacket, pulling the hood up and I wear a pair of sunglasses

"Can I keep the money? Wait, this is way more than your share" Jordan chuckles digging through the box, pulling out wads of cash.

"It's my share and everything her father paid me" I rip the box from his greedy hands

"Can I at least have-"

"No, dip shit, you can't keep it, I'll just sneak it into her house or something" I hold the box close to my body, knowing if I leave it alone with these jerks, at least some of it will "mysteriously" disappear

"Her house? The one in the gated community, with cameras everywhere? That's heavily armed with new security, because of you, I might add" Jordan rolls his eyes but I smile

"I'm in the mafia, you know? I have my ways"

I cockily raise my eye brow at him as he tries to challenge me. A smirk plays onto my lips as Jordan throws his hands up in defence, backing down.

Rule number one, always be the most intimidating person in the room.

Rule number two, never back down.

"I'll be back later, don't do anything stupid" I grumble, finally leaving through the door

"We should be saying that to you" Eben pipes in

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