Thank You

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*Y/n POV*

"I'm not bringing you Natalia when you've got a gun to my girlfriends head, you understand?" Girlfriend? Jonah and Daniel come up behind Corbyn at the door.

"Building is clear" Jonah tries to say casually

"Hey Jack? You got it?" Corbyn somewhat mumbles. Jack throws down a thumbs up before pulling up his gun, aiming it at Ethan.

"Take it" Corbyn snarls before Jack shoots, hitting Ethan in the neck

As Ethan hits the ground with a hard thud, Corbyn rushes over to me, dropping to his knees before he quickly cuts off the tape that has my hands locked to the chair. Corbyn pulls me off the chair and into his strong arms.

"I'm so sorry, mi amor. I'm here, you're okay now, I promise. Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?"

"They- they have Matthew and Esther" I sob out, clutching onto the front of Corbyn's black tee shirt.

"Shh, they don't have him. He's at our house with Esther. They're safe, amor, I promise" Corbyn whispers, running a hand up and down my back

"Are you sure?" I whisper

"I'd never lie to you, mi amor"

"The- He took the chain" Daniel runs over, ripping the chain from Ethans dead hands, handing it to Corbyn.

Corbyn pulls down his mask, smiling lightly before putting it over my head, letting it hang from my neck once again.

"Thank you for wearing it" Corbyn whispers, placing a slight kiss on my lips before putting his mask back over his face

"How did you find me so fast?" Corbyn grabs onto my shoulders as each of the boys look at me with concern

"Y/n, it's almost been a week since you've been gone" Jonah whispers as Jack jumps down from the ceiling

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you sooner"

"Oh- I lost track of time, there's no windows, I wasn't sure-"

"Hey, it's okay, you're safe now amor. Let's get you home"

Corbyn grabs my thighs, pulling me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding onto him as tightly as I can. Corbyn rests his hands on my butt, keeping me steady as he rests his chin on my shoulder, holding me as close as possible.

Jack and Daniel leave first, then Corbyn and I, with Jonah following behind.

We get out of the four story building and Corbyn rushes me over to his car, sitting me down on top of the hood. I take in the sunset and cool breeze as I haven't seen the outdoors in days.

"Daniel, call the doctor and get him to meet us at the house, I'm calling Zach" Jonah chuckles at the mention of Zach's name.

Corbyn pulls out his phone while Jonah and Daniel start loading the trunk of Corbyn's car with all of the guns and amo they brought.

"Hey Zach.. Kill her" Corbyn boosts out confidently

A chill of fear washes over my body hearing Corbyn say those words, but it's his job, I have to accept this.

"How are you feeling Y/n? Did they give you any water or food?" Jack walks in front of me with a bottle of water. I go to open the water but I'm far too weak.

"Need help?" Jack whispers and I nod my head

Jack opens the bottle for me, handing it back, careful not to drop any with how shaky my hands are. I take a few sips of water, almost choking from how dry my whole body feels.

"Are you okay? You're really pale" Jack looks at me closely as I start to feel light headed from not eating for so long.

"No" I whisper before everything goes black.

*Corbyn POV*

"Y/n? Y/n!" Jack shouts as I'm still on the phone with Zach.

I turn around seeing Jonah and Daniel running to the hood of the car so I can't see what's going on.

I jog my way over to the car seeing Y/n passed out on the hood, leaving a slight crack on the windshield from where her head hit the glass

"What the hell happened?" I pull Y/n off the car, holding her close to me

"I don't know! I was talking to her then she all of a sudden passed out!" Jack panics, opening the car door for me to slide her in

"We gotta get her back, now!"

I slide Y/n in, lightly closing the door. I get in the drivers seat, with Jack jumping in beside me. Jonah and Daniel rush to Jonah's car and we all drive off.

I take the drive at a normal speed as I want to insure that Y/n is safe the whole way home.

When I pull into the driveway, I see the doctors car already parked on the street. I slide Y/n out of the car, holding her close to my body as I run to the house. Jonah runs and opens the door for us and I take her straight to my room, ignoring the fact that Esther and Matthew are sitting in the living room.

"She passed out, she hasn't eaten in days. She was shot in the ankle, it's wrapped up so I haven't looked at it yet" I somewhat shout to the doctor as I place Y/n in my bed

"Okay, give me space, I'll come get you when I'm done"

"What?! I'm not leaving her!"

"Leave or I don't treat her" The doctor threatens

"Let's go man, Esther has some questions" Daniel puts a hand on my shoulder, lightly pulling me back.

"I'll answer them later, I'm going to check on Zach"

I scurry down the stairs, ignoring everyone calling my name from the living room and I head down the basement stairs.

I get down to the bottom, seeing Zach sitting in a chair, cleaning out his gun and Natalia's lifeless body still tapped in the chair.

"Why didn't you get rid of her?" I whisper shout, even though no one else can hear us

"Bro, look at the situation here. I, can hardly walk by myself, you wanted me to carry a body up the stairs with Jonah's sister up there and not get caught?"

"Okay, okay. You can come up now, I'll deal with her tonight" Zach throws his arms up, as if he's a child wanting me be held by a parent.

"Seriously?" I huff as Zach nods with a pout

Zach stands up and I throw him over my shoulder, making my way to the stairs

"This isn't how I meant it" Zach burst into a fit of laughter as I carry him up the stairs to the living room.

Everyone gives us weird looks as I throw Zach onto an empty couch. Zach calms down from his laughter and I hear him whisper a quick thank you.

"What was that?" I stop in my tracks, turning back to face him.

"I said thank you" He mumbles

"Now was that so hard? Y/n would've been okay and safe right now if you said that a week ago!"

"Corbyn, relax" Jonah rushes over to my side, nudging me in the direction of Esther with my son.

I rush over to Esther, taking Matthew in my arms, as I've hardly seen him at all this week with trying to find Y/n.

"Hey little buddy" I look into his wide eyes and melt in relief that he's safe, along with Y/n

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