If, Not When

902 22 4

"You are absolutely beautiful" Corbyn keeps his hand under my chin as he slowly starts to lean in. I close my eyes, ready for his lips to touch mine for the first time in 11 months.

"Esther's here!" Jonah yells, sounding like he's coming up the stairs.

I take a step back from Corbyn, causing his hand to fall from my chin. He gives me a disappointed smile but nods as if he understands why I did it.

I throw my backpack over my shoulder and walk to the nursery with Corbyn following behind me.

I walk in, seeing Jonah with Matthew in his arms, swaying him around.

"What's this? Jonah Marais, mafia gang member, becoming a big softy?" Corbyn chuckles, getting Jonah to look up at us

"Sorry, babies are just so cute" Jonah smiles, handing me Matthew.

"Is this everything?" Corbyn grabs the bag I packed for Esther

"I just need his milk in the fridge, then um, he's good to go" I look down at the four month old boy in my arms, that I haven't left once. He'll be gone, for who knows how long, and I don't think I'm ready for that.

"Come on, we gotta go" Jonah whispers, lightly taking me out of my daze.

We all walk down the stairs and I see a tall brunette with long wavy hair. Her glasses and brown eyes welcome me in.

"Y/n, this is my sister Esther. Esther, this is
Y/n and Matthew. This is her and Corbyn's son that I asked you to watch" Jonah smiles pointing to all three of us.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" I smile as she shakes my hand

"Good to see you again" Corbyn nods in her direction

"I didn't expect Corbyn to have a baby, this is so weird" Esther chuckles lightly. Her soft voice makes me more comfortable.

"I just need his milk" I lightly hand Matthew to Corbyn and start going through the fridge, packing the milk away in a freezer bag.

"Y/n, what kind of milk do you have? Those cupcakes tasted really good with it" Jack questions, I freeze

"No, no no no. You didn't actually use it, did you?" I turn around, looking at him shocked

"Yeah, why?" Jack's expression turns to worry

"Want more?" I smile, handing him some breastmilk

"No! I drank titty milk!?" Jack shouts, getting all of us to laugh.


We make it back to the boys house, after saying goodbye to Esther and Matthew. Corbyn set me up in his room, in between Daniel and Zach's room.


I place my backpack down on the chair at his desk and sit down in his overly comfy bed. I look down at my phone, staring at the Lock Screen that's a picture of Matthew.

"Um, we're going out to try and find her" Corbyn walks into the room, sitting down in his bed beside me.

"I, uh, I wanted you to have this. When I die, it's something I want you to give Matthew when he's older. He won't remember me and that's okay, but I'd appreciate it if you'd tell him about me, only the good stuff though" Corbyn gives a light smile before taking a chain off from around his neck before placing it into my hand.

I look down at the dogtag chain, seeing his full name and birthdate on it. I flip it to the other side, seeing a small engraved message.

'Daddy loves you, little buddy'

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