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"Come on" Jonah walks into Corbyn's room where I've been laying, staring at the ceiling since Corbyn got taken

Corbyn's been gone for a few days now, everyone's been in a slight panic as he seemed to always be the leader figure. Jonah seemed to take control as much as he could, but he doesn't seem to like it.

Zach just seems to be the one to hurt people, so he's not exactly leader material, even though he likes to pretend he is.

"Where are we going?" I mumble, watching Jonah come over to the bed

"You wanted to learn to shoot, let's go"

I jump up from the bed, landing directly onto my bad ankle, but I don't show I'm in pain, I can't or else Jonah wouldn't let me learn.

"How's your ankle?" He asks as we walk out of the room

"It's better than it was a few days ago" I smile as a distraction. He doesn't need to know how bad it hurts

"You're a shit liar, but I'll take it"

Jonah leads us down to the basement, where I was never allowed to go. He turns on the lights and leads us to a separate room that uses a hand scanner.

Jonah types in a password, then places his hand on the screen. The door clicks open and Jonah walks in, holding the door open for me.

I walk in, seeing a full indoor shooting range.

How the hell did they get this down here?

"It used to be a bowling alley, so it was an easy transfer into a shooting range"

"You had a bowling alley, in your house?" Jonah shrugs with small chuckle leaving his lips

"Okay, So I'm not teaching you how to do this, but our second best shooter is going to teach you how to use a simple hand gun. Corbyn would kill us for even teaching you this"

Jonah walks over to a large cabinet, taking out three small guns and three sets of large earmuffs, to muffle the sounds.

"Who's your best shooter?"

"Corbyn, so you gotta settle for second best" Jonah smiles, handing me the ear muffs

"Who's that?"

The door clicks open again and in walks Zach.

"Seriously?" I glare at Jonah

"Hey, if I teach you, maybe you'll actually kill somebody and not just shoot them in the leg" Zach smiles, taking a gun from Jonah

"I didn't want to kill you, just had to give you a little warning"

"Headphones on" Zach smirks.

Jonah and I put them on, Zach smiles before shooting four times at the paper target. He shoots the paper in the heart, the head and once in the chest and the fourth goes directly through the same hole as the one he shot in the heart.

And he's only the second best?

My jaw drops to the floor as Zach looks back with the same smirk

"Corbyn can get all four through the same hole in the paper. He's not once missed a shot" Jonah says as if it's not a big deal

"Your turn" Zach smiles, taking a step back to lean on the wall.

I take a step up to the guard where I can shoot, I stand in a somewhat fancy stance that makes me look like I know what I'm doing. I hold up the gun to the target, getting ready to take my shot

"Wrong!" Zach shouts causing me to flinch.

"You can't stand like that, you'll fly backwards. Stand with one foot a little ahead of the other, make sure you're stable, not wobbly"

I take Zach's advice, and make sure I'm set. I raise the gun up, taking a deep breath before pulling the trigger.

As soon as I pull the trigger, the gun flies upwards in my hand and I fly backwards. Jonah catches me in his arms and laughs

"You sure you want to learn?"

"We have time before Daniel and Mara find an address, right? Let's go again"

I push myself out of Jonah's grip and I walk back up to the stand, ready to keep going.


"Show me again" Zach smiles

It's been a week of training nonstop with Zach. He's surprisingly been a good teacher, and we haven't argued once.

Mostly because I want to get this right and help save Corbyn.

Jonah and Jack have been trying to prepare me for the worst. They told me I have to prepare myself if we don't find him alive, but I haven't let myself believe he's anything but alive.

"Heart. Head. Left shoulder. Right shoulder" I shoot each spot as I call it out. Zach starts clapping as I take off the ear muffs.

"Holy shit, is this what being a parent is like? I feel so proud" Zach smiles, wiping fake tears from his eyes before pulling me into a hug

"Uhh..." Daniel chuckles walking into the shooting rage. "Seeing as you're both taken, I'm gonna break this up. We've got an address, so get ready to go"

"What? Zach has a girlfriend?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him

"You idiot" Zach hisses at Daniel

"Who is she?" I smile as we leave the room, going back up the stairs

"Don't worry about it"

"So I know her?"

"I'll tell you when you don't have a gun in your hand" Zach smiles, putting his hands in his pockets as he runs up the stairs

My mind races over who he could possibly be dating that I would know. The only girls I know are Mara and.. no fucking way

"Zachary, I'm gonna beat your ass!" I run up the stairs, bursting into Zach's room. "You're dating Yere?!"

"Uh.. maybe"

"You can't! No way! After everything she's been through. Absolutely not!"

"Y/n, I'm not her ex. I'm not a drug addict, I don't hit her, I love her daughter. I'd never do anything to hurt her"

"Okay, so you're not any of those things but you're a killer"

"I know, but I think I love her" Zach whispers, almost making it hard to understand

"You have to tell her what you do, Zach" I sigh

"She knows, and she doesn't care. She likes who I am, you have to accept that"

"Alright you two, we're gonna leave without you!" Jonah yells up the stairs

I leave the room, throwing all my stuff I may need in a bag. I kiss the top of Matthew's head, leaving the dogtag beside his sleeping body, just incase he loses us both.

Merisha said she'd take care of Matthew while we're gone. I trust her, I have to trust her since Mara is coming with us this time.

Jack isn't happy that she's coming but she insisted that since it was okay for me to come, then it was okay for her.

I race down the stairs, seeing everyone waiting for me.

We all pile into two cars. I, with Jonah and Daniel. Jack, Mara and Zach all in Jack's car.

We all go over the plan once more, driving to the location to find Corbyn.

Hopefully alive.

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