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*Besson POV*

I get home, walking to the front door with the bag in my hands.

I know what she's trying to do, and unfortunately, it's working.

"Hey man, how was the mall?" Jonah and Eben laugh as they play video games in the living room.

"She bought me something" I chuckle, taking the tie off from around my neck

"What'd you get? She buy you a Rolex or something?" Eben asks, pausing the game and turning around to face me

I toss them the bag and take off my suit jacket, hanging it over the back of a chair in the kitchen. I undo a few of the buttons on my white dress shirt, letting it be open at the chest. I uncuff the sleeves and roll them up to my elbows.

"Bro, why'd she buy you- oh. Oh fuck! She wants to fuck!" Jonah yells then bursts into a fit of laughter

"Her and Mara tried on bikinis for almost an hour! I was dying dude, she looked so fucking good" I reach into the fridge, grabbing out a cold beer before going to the living room and sitting with the boys.

"And it's even in red, your favourite colour" Eben laughs, holding up a pair of very revealing, lace underwear

"I don't know what to do! She's breaking me! My ass is going to be so fired and it hasn't even been a week" I sigh, slumping back into my chair

"Bro! Remember the plan! You can't let her break you! Don't be weak!"

"But I am! I'm so weak! You would be too if you thought about seeing her in that bra!" Jonah and Eben chuckle at my outrageous outburst and I can't help but laugh too.

Jonah throws the set back into the bag, tossing it at me. I sigh, placing it down beside my chair.

What am I supposed to do with her?

"Guys, I have a horrible idea"

"Just wait, the other guys should be here soon" Jonah laughs not taking his eyes off his game.

I finish my second beer by the time the guys show up. Jack, Zach and Daniel all walk through the door, holding various foods or drinks.

I stand up, taking some of the drinks, putting them in the fridge. When I walk back to the living room, Zach already took my seat so I sit next to Daniel on the couch. 

"So what's your horrible idea?" Jonah smiles, opening his can of drink.

"I wanna talk to her" I mumble into my beer bottle

"What?! No way!" Daniel shouts in my ear

"Why? It could blow the whole plan" Jack scolds me

"I think it'll make it easier. She'll trust me more, I hope" I take the last swig of my drink, placing the empty bottle on the coffee table

"And what if you get fired? It'll never work out then" Daniel rolls his eyes

"At least he knew it was a horrible idea" Jonah chuckles into his drink

"Zach? Are you even listening? What are you looking at?" Jack asks causing everyones attention to focus on Zach.

Zach reaches down beside the chair I was once on, picking up a bag. Shit.

"Zach don't!" I shout jumping up, but it's too late. He's already got the bra out of the bag

"Who's is this?" He chuckles spinning it around on his finger

"Oh, Y/n bought that for him" Eben chuckles

"Well, hate to break it to you man, but I don't think it's your size" Zach chuckles, everyone else joining in.

I walk over, ripping the bag out of his hands, along with the bra. I throw it all back in the bag then tossing it up the stairs. I go to sit back down with the boys, noticing all eyes are on me.

"Did Mara happen to buy anything from that store?" Jack asks, awkwardly

"No, Y/n bought it, told me to let her know when she could us it" I sigh, rubbing my forehead

"Get it in Besson!" Daniel shouts, elbowing my side

"Could you imagine!? She doesn't even know his first name, just calling him Besson in bed?" Zach adds on

"'Oh Besson, just like that'" Jonah moans, causing everyone to laugh.

"Can you guys not? I'm struggling enough, I don't need you assholes chirping in my ear about it" I roll my eyes as the boys calm down from their laughter

"Just, don't talk to her, it'll blow up in your face if you do" Jack mumbles

"I say talk to her, if you're confident enough to think she won't sell you out to her dad right away, why not?" Daniel weirdly sides with me

"How about, if you get fired because you talked to her, I'll kill you both" Zach smiles devilishly. Daniel's eyes go wide as we both know Zach's threats never go undone.

"Relax, tough guy" Eben laugh, throwing a sour candy at Zach's head

"I still can't get the thought of her calling you Besson in bed" Jack laughs as my eye brows go lower into my eyes

"Why are you thinking about me fucking her, Avery?"

"Well when you say it like that, it sounds creepy!"

The boys burst into a fit of laughter, making my head feel like it's going to explode. I shouldn't have said anything, should've just made the decision by myself.

"Alright, I'm leaving" I get up from my spot, heading up to my room while everyone carries on laughing

I'm going to talk to her. I'm going to take the chance and pray it doesn't back fire.

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