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*Corbyn POV*

"Alright! Let's go boys!" Daniel yells causing me to flinch, but I get excited, finally something to get me away from Vanessa.

"Not you" Daniel shoves me back down on the couch beside Vanessa.

"What do you mean, not me?"

"Justin said not to bring you, he doesn't want to interrupt your date" The boys chuckle then head out the door.

I let out a huff then turn on a movie, anything so I don't hear Vanessa's voice.

I hear car tires screech to a halt, so I jump up to look out the window, seeing Jonah jumping into Y/n's car.

That's why I wasn't allowed to go.

I sigh, going to sit back down beside Vanessa. She cuddles herself into me, just making me automatically wish I sat on a different couch.

We get about half way through the movie when my phone starts to ring, a call from Jack. I get up and answer the phone in the kitchen.

"Hey man, what's up?" I lean my elbows on the counter, keeping an eye at the door for Vanessa

"Get Vanessa out of the house, we'll be there in 10"

"Okay, why?" And he hung up. Okay.

I walk back into the living room, trying to think of a way to get her out of here without hurting her feelings.

"Hey, so, I need you to leave for a couple hours" I smile, sitting back down beside her

"What? Why?" She glares at me

"It's a surprise, I promise you can come back once it's all set up for you" Why would I say that? Now I've actually got to set something up

"Yes! I love surprises!" She quickly gives me a kiss before grabbing her things and running out the door.

Well, that was easier than I thought.

I quickly wipe my lips on my sleeve and turn off the movie.

I start cleaning up all the snacks and drinks from the table when the front door flies open. The boys all walk in, with some other guy.

Oh, Garrett.

"What's he doing here?" I walk up beside Daniel, crossing my arms as Zach pulls him towards the basement, screaming

"He thinks it's okay to threaten my girls" Jonah waves to Garrett before Zach takes him downstairs.

"And who are your girls?" I chuckle

"Yere and Y/n" As soon as I hear him say Y/n's name, my blood starts to boil. I clench my fists hard, getting the veins up my arms to pop out through my skin.

"What did he do to Y/n?"

"He said Yere owed him money, so Y/n was going to pay him off. He was threatening them both"

Bullshit. He owes Yere money.

I walk myself to the basement and head down the stairs. From the loud footsteps, I assume the boys are following me.

When I get down the stairs, I watch as Zach repeatedly punches him in the face with a chain wrapped around his hand.

"Why was my girlfriend bringing you money?" I put a hand on Zach's shoulder, getting him to stop hitting Garrett so he could talk

"Your girlfriend is the ugly slut with a baby?"
Garrett spits out blood while I smirk.

This should be fun.

"What did you call her?" I punch him in the face, hearing a loud crack

"She's a ugly ass slut. All the scars and shit" Garrett smiles at me with blood pouring from his nose down into his mouth, covering his yellow teeth with the red liquid

"Corbyn" Jack whispers as my breathing stops. I know he didn't just call her ugly because of her scars

"Say it again, I dare you" I walk over to our small desk in the corner, grabbing out a gun

"Your girlfriend, Y/n, she's an ugly slut" Garrett taunts, but I laugh.

I pull back on the gun, aiming it right on his forehead.

"She's beautiful, and if she's a slut, then she's my slut"

"Whatev-" I pull the trigger making the boys close by cover their ears as the sound echoes off the walls.

I smile with satisfaction as Garrett's head falls back. I put the gun back where I found it while all the boys stay frozen.

They haven't seen me kill since I met Y/n, I didn't want to kill since I met her, but I'd never let anyone hurt her. No one talks shit about my girl.

"Get rid of him" I call out before going back up the stairs.

I just want to relax in my bed, take a nap, do anything but I know I can't. I gotta think of some stupid surprise for Vanessa so she doesn't get suspicious.

I just want to get that mission done and over with, I'm sick of seeing her. She just makes life overly complicated, especially since we need to use fake names.

I get to the door and open it cautiously, hearing quiet voices coming from the other side.

"Oh, Y/n let's go to my room" Mara's voice booms louder than normal

My eyes go wide as I hold onto the door handle, frozen.

Why is she here? Why the hell did Mara bring her here?!

I run back down the stairs, seeing the boys starting to clean up the blood.

"Y/n is here! Why is she here?!" My voice echos in the sound proof basement.

Jonah's eyes go wide and he runs up the stairs.

I let out a shaky breath before I slide down the wall, letting my knees press against my chest.

"You alright?" Jack asks as he lays down a tarp

"I can't keep running, man. I miss her so
fucking much-"

"You see her all the time" Daniel chuckles quietly to himself

"I wanna hold her, I want to hear her voice, I miss her saying my name with that little half smile she always did. I want to see our son, I want to hold him and tell him all about how amazing of a mother he has"

I let my feet slide in front of me as I watch Zach and Jack put Garrett into the tarp, wrapping him up so we can get rid of him. I lean my head back, letting it rest onto the wall.

I feel around in my pockets for my pack of cigarettes until I remember Y/n is here. If she's here, so is Matthew.

"You know you can't talk to her, you should've thought about this before you faked your own death"

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