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I push off Mara's weird statement and try to act like it's normal

"What? That's not weird, he knows you can't live without your bestie" I laugh, going to hand a shot to Besson who followed us to the kitchen.

He shakes his head, crossing his arms.

"Does he like, not talk?" Mara asks as I take one of the two shots I have in my hand

"Nope, my dad ordered him not to talk to me after what happened with Alex"

"Alex was fun! He always got drunk with us!"

"Yeah, but he was a creep and shit at his job, so I had to get rid of him" I shrug my shoulders, taking the second shot

"Hey baby! Holy shit, Y/n? You were finally set free, huh?" Jack Avery, Mara's boyfriend comes up and hugs me tight, then kisses Mara on the cheek.

"Yeah, along with my lovely new security" I point to Besson and Jack grows a weird smile, almost a surprised smile

"Damn. Well, I'll catch you girls later, I gotta go find Zach" Jack walks away, giving Besson a look, almost like he knew him, but I'm probably just being overthinking it, like usual.

Mara and I make ourselves some cocktails then head to the dance floor.

Mara and I dance and mingle with friends, always having Besson close by.

I was getting drunker by the second.

It was crazy, I even thought I saw Besson do a weird handshake with Jack.

*Besson POV*

I'm watching over Y/n at Mara's party. They're both in the kitchen getting drinks, when I follow them in.

I'm standing a few feet away when Y/n offers me a shot.

I need to be professional. I need her fathers trust.

I declined the shot in the politest way possible without speaking. As per her fathers orders.

Y/n seems like a fun, carefree girl, nothing like what everyone made her out to be. I was told she was stuck up, rude and a brat, but by the looks of it, she's just a young girl trying to have fun.

As I'm standing around, looking at my surroundings in the kitchen, Jack walks in.

Y/n points behind her shoulder, in my direction and Jack looks up at me.

He smiles devilishly.

This idiot is going to blow my cover.

I nod my head at him, then he leaves.

Y/n and Mara head into the living room, towards all the bodies dancing. I keep my distance but make sure she's always in my sight.

Y/n looks gorgeous as she dances carefree with her friend. It's almost like I'm watching her in slow motion. The way her hair flows with her body when she shakes her hips. The way her eyes sparkle when-

No. You're on a mission.
You can't be thinking like this

"Hey man" I look to my side and see Jack and Zach leaning up against the wall beside me.

I look back at Y/n to make sure she doesn't see me. She's got her back towards me, talking to some other girl

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I respond quietly

"When are you gonna do it?" Zach asks anxiously

"Not for a while. I need her fathers trust first, so he won't even think it'll be me" I smirk

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