Open Your Eyes

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My heart aches seeing my dad here. Why is he here? Especially in this creepy room?

I look behind my dad, seeing Corbyn on his knees without a shirt on. The sight of him takes my breath away.

His pants are soaked with blood from it running down every inch of his back.

Corbyn's got his head leaning on his arm, as his hands seem to be tied around a pole, having them hanging well above his head.

"What the hell did you do to him!?" I go to run to Corbyn but someone pulls me back

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?" Dad gushes, trying to act innocent as he hides something behind his back

"Stop! Why do you have him?!" Tears start forming in my eyes as I can't take them off Corbyn

"I did this for you! He ruined your life!"

"No, he didn't! He made me feel safe in a world you made hell!"


"No wonder mom left, you've been living some secret life behind everyone's back. I can't believe you'd do that, to me, to mom" Dad laughs with a forced chuckle

"You think I let your mom leave? You're still the same naive little girl"

"What did you do to mom?"

Jonah slowly takes steps to the side as my dads eyes are locked on mine. He slowly starts walking towards Corbyn

"Y/n, I don't think-"

"You take one step closer and I'll blow your brains out!" Dad yells interrupting Zach, pulling out a gun, aiming it at Jonah.

Everyone raises their guns pointing them at my dad, including me. I take a deep breath, taking a step forward, blocking everyone else's shot at my dad.

"I was finally happy with Corbyn, he brought so much light and love into my life, you took that away from me!" I feel my face grow red with anger, but I keep myself steady, keeping my gun raised to aim at his head

"Put the gun down sweetheart, you're going to hurt yourself" Dad chuckles

Jonah slowly starts moving back towards Corbyn. A loud ringing in my ears occurs quickly, then Jonah screams falling to the floor.

Without hesitation, I raise the gun, shooting my dad directly between the eyes.

Everyone runs to Jonah while I take off to Corbyn.

I run to the side of the pole where his head rests. He's so pale, his body is losing his always warm temperature.

"Corbyn, Baby, I need you to wake up" I drop to my knees, shaking his arms and lightly tapping his cheeks


He doesn't move, he doesn't say anything. I take a few deep breaths, not worrying about the tears falling.

"Corbyn, please wake up, I need you to wake up" It all comes out in a shaky whisper

He shifts around, causing me to finally let out a breath I never knew I was holding in.

He's alive.

"Corbs, baby, it's me, Y/n, I need you to open your eyes for me"

Corbyn moves his head around, rubbing it against his arm before pulling his head up, but he doesn't open his eyes

"Mi amor?" His voice comes out raspy, almost sounding like he's about to lose his

"Yes, yes it's me. Open your eyes baby, it's me, I'm here" I so badly want to reach out and touch him, but I don't know the extent of his injuries, I don't want to hurt him more

Corbyn slowly opens his eyes, squinting at first, almost as if getting used to the light shining in. He slowly opens his eyes all the way open. My heart breaks seeing his red, bloodshot eyes.

When he sees me, his face is soft for a second, then it immediately becomes full of fear.

"You have to get out of here! They're going to kill you!" Corbyn panics, pulling at his bloody wrists that are cuffed above him. He tries looking behind him but only hurts himself more.

"Zach! I need the key!" I shout

"On it!"

"It's okay Corbyn, we're here to save you, they're all dead now, I promise" Zach runs over from my dads body, handing me the key. I jump up, unlocking the handcuffs.

Corbyn arms fall to his sides and I drop to the floor, only to be embraced into a tight hug from Corbyn.

"I'm sorry about your dad" Corbyn holds me tighter

"It's okay, um, Zach shot him" I couldn't tell Corbyn I was the one that shot my dad.

Corbyn didn't want me to learn how to shoot and even though I have this mortified feeling that I killed my own father, I'd do it again any day to save Corbyn's life.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you" I whisper gently

"It was about time you saved me for once" Corbyn lightly smiles against the skin on my neck

"We've gotta get you both to the doctor, let's go!" Daniel shouts, running over to Corbyn and I

"Is Jonah okay?"

"What happened to Jonah?" Corbyn mumbles into my shoulder, not moving from the embrace

"He was shot in the shoulder, he'll be okay"

"I love you" I smile, finally having him back in my arms. Corbyn takes a deep breath, sounding like its the first one he's taken in a long time

"I love you so damn much, mi amor"

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