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*Y/n POV*

'I'll fucking kill you'

'You should be dead right now'

'They'll kill me'

'Zach, please stop'

'Who's idea was it?.. Mine'

I wake up screaming in a pool of my own sweat. I cover my ears in a panic, trying to make the voices stop.

Each time I was hit, had a gun pointed at me and threatened, replayed through my head.

Corbyn's sleeping body beside me quickly shoots up, pulling me onto his lap. He rests a hand on my cheek, the other on my back, rubbing softly back and forth.

"You're safe mi amor. I've got you, you're safe now"

Corbyn whispers soft words into my ear as he gently rocks me in his lap. He runs his hand through my hair, as I hear a soft sniffle come from his nose.

I pull back from his embrace to get a good look at him in the rising sun light. I notice he's got red eyes and light tears coming down from them before he puts his head down to face his lap.

"Corbyn, what's wrong?" I place a hand on his cheek, going to wipe his tears but he grabs my wrist, pulling my hand away

"I did this" He mumbles

"You did what?"

"I did this to you. You live in constant fear now, thinking something bad will happen to you or Matthew. I did that, I started that" He chokes out, trying to sound like he's not crying

"No, Corbyn, I don't think-"

"Please don't lie to me"

"I always lived in fear because of who my dad is"

"And I made it worse"

Corbyn lightly pushes me off of him before getting up from his bed, walking into his closet. I try to look enough to the side to be able to see in but I can't see him.


Corbyn comes out with a bag over his shoulder, he changed into a pair of black jeans and dark plaid shirt. He walks himself to the door.

"I love you mi amor. Take care of yourself"

"Corbyn? Where are you going?" He doesn't answer, he just walks out his bedroom door.

Panic arises in my body as I see him leave, all over again. I rip out my IV, getting ready to chase after him.

As soon as I step onto my ankle that got shot, I fall hard to the floor. I fight tears of pain as I crawl to the open door.

"Corbyn!" I scream out seeing him walk down the stairs, without looking back.

Jonah runs out of his room, seeing me on the floor, he races over to my side.

"What's going on?" He goes to help pick me up but I push him off

"Stop Corbyn! He's leaving!"

Jonah looks over the railing, seeing Corbyn grabbing his car keys. Jonah gets up racing down the stairs and out the front door where Corbyn already left.

Matthews faint cries are heard from the room next door, in Zach's room. I start crawling my way over to the room when a door opens behind me.

"Hey, I'll get him, let's get you back to bed" Daniel soft voice says behind me before he picks me up, carrying me back to Corbyn's room.

Daniel races out of the room just before I see Jonah walk in. I look into his eyes and there's nothing, no happiness or sadness, just nothing.

Jonah sits down in front of me in bed, grabbing ahold of my hand, lightly shaking his head.

"He- He left, didn't he?" I whisper, trying so hard to stop crying

"I'm sorry Y/n, he said it's to keep you safe"

Daniel comes into the room, swaying Matthew back and forth, quietly humming a little tune. I form a smile as tears fall from my eyes, seeing Matthew for the first time in almost two weeks is the best feeling right now.

I take Matthew in my arms, holding him close.

"Can you track his car?" I whisper out, looking through my eyelashes to see Jonah

"I think it's best if we let him be, Y/n. Give him some time to cool off"

"Daniel, where is he?" I look past Jonah to see Daniel going through his phone.

"He's headed towards the beach" Jonah turns around, smacking Daniel who stands at the end of my bed

"Can you help me to my car?" I stand up with Matthew in my arms, keeping all weight off my right side

"I'll drive you" Jonah stands up, sweeping me off my feet, into his arms.

Jonah carries Matthew and I down the stairs and to the couch. He brings me Matthews car seat and I set him in nicely.

Jonah helps me out first when Daniel comes out with Matthew.

"I'm coming too!" Daniel cheers getting into the back seat beside Matthew.

"This is ridiculous. He's just at the beach" Jonah rolls his eyes as he backs out of the driveway at six in the morning.

I bounce my leg as Jonah drives to the beach. I don't have a good feeling about this.

"Daniel, where's his car now?" I bite my nails, trying to keep my composure

"Should be just up here"  Daniel points just a little up the street at the beach. Jonah drives until we find his car, parking beside it.

"Where is he? Where is he?" I whisper to myself scanning the beach that's mostly empty.

"Right there" Jonah points to a group of five men, all standing together

"Who are they?"

"I don't know" Daniel squeezes his head between our two seats, waiting to see what will happen

The three of us sit and watch as Corbyn seems to talk to the unknown men. The talking quickly turns into yelling and the conversation gets more and more heated.

I take off my seat belt, sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting to burst into tears.

Corbyn's arm goes to reach behind him but one of the men punches him in the face, knocking him into the sand.

Jonah shifts in his seat as all four men start kicking and beating on Corbyn

"What are you waiting for!? Do something!" I yell to both Jonah and Daniel who just sit and watch

"I don't have my gun, Y/n, so it'd just be Daniel, we're too far away to get a good shot anyways" Jonah sighs

"So you're just going to let him die?! What is wrong with you?" I open my car door, ready to run out and try to help but Jonah grabs my arm pulling me back in

"No, what are you gonna do, huh? You can hardly walk and I'm not about to save you again if you go down with him"

I watch as the men pick up Corbyn's lifeless body and carry him to a van just a few down from us.

"Daniel, get the plate"

"Already got it"

"Teach me how to shoot" I look at Jonah, who squints his eyes at my request

"What? No"

"It wasn't a question. Teach me how to shoot. I'm coming with you guys to save him"

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