Church Boy

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*Y/n POV*

"What's the matter, mi amor?" Corbyn questions, walking towards the door.

I quickly put the letter in the purple envelope behind my back so he doesn't see.

I've been getting threatening letters since the day I saw Jack and Mara for the first time again. They keep telling me to stay away from Corbyn's gang, "or else" and I don't even know what that means. I'm hoping that now I know that Corbyn is alive, it doesn't have to do with him.

I haven't told anyone about it because I don't want anyone to worry. If I told Corbyn he'd freak out and blame himself. If I told anyone else, they'd tell Corbyn, so either way, I can't win.


"Oh, she just told me to tell you to call her" I smile, slightly worrying about the letter

"What's behind your back?" Corbyn takes a step closer to me but I stand my ground

"I don't know what you're talking about" I smile, walking to the kitchen where all the others are hidden. I try to keep the letter out of Corbyn's sight by placing it in front of me.

"Mi amor, how dumb do you think I am?" Corbyn walks up behind me, pressing his chest against my back. I can feel his hot breath coming down onto my skin.

Corbyn pulls his hand up, ripping the letter out of my hand with one swift movement. He holds it up, examining it from the outside.

"What's this?" He reads the front, that only says my name

"Just a letter, it's fine. Can I have it back?" I keep my voice steady, any sign of shakiness and he'd call my bluff.

"From who?" Corbyn rips open the envelope, making me more nervous

"I don't know" I shrug, going to take it from his hands but he moves too quickly

Corbyn pulls out the paper and opens it slowly. As he reads it, his eyebrows drop lower, squinting his eyes.

"Who the fuck sent you this?" Corbyn flips the letter so I'm able to read it.

'Leave Corbyn alone, or I'll kill you and your son'

"I don't know, I've been getting one everyday for a while"

Corbyn pulls out his phone, dialling a number then holding it to his ear. His facial expression doesn't change, he just looks angry.

"Did Vanessa give this to you?"

"She said she found it in the driveway"

"Hey... Yeah, get over here. We got a problem" Corbyn hangs up the phone, looking at the note

"You said you've got more? Show me"

I go into the kitchen drawer, pulling out the other notes I've received. They all have the same purple envelope and are all written in the same black sharpie.

I hand the small pile to Corbyn and he starts going through them as the front door flies open.

Jonah, Jack, Daniel and Mara all come running in with their weapons drawn. They all run up to my kitchen island, seeing Corbyn reading the letters. They all slowly put their guns away seeing the letters.

"Whoa, what are these?" Jonah grabs the one I got today

"Y/n, when did these start?" Mara whispers, looking at the notes scattered around the counter

"A week or two ago, when I first found you
guys again"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jack grabs a note, looking at it from all angles

"It's not a big deal, I wasn't really worried" I lie

"Not a big deal?! "Leave Jonah alone or else you won't know what's coming" or "Stay away or you will get hurt" How is that not a big deal,
Y/n? Whoever this is, is threatening to kill you and our son! Look me in the eyes and tell me this isn't a big fucking deal!" Corbyn shouts and Jonah's eyes go wide

"Alright buddy, relax. Look at her, you're scaring her even more" Jonah puts a hand on Corbyn's shoulder, pulling him a little away from me.

"It's not any different than when all of you threatened to kill me in the warehouse, why is it a big deal now?"

"Don't say that Y/n, come on. I'm sorry" Corbyn realizes his wrong choice of words

"I didn't want anyone to worry but whoever is doing it, it's an inside job" I shrug

"Yeah, how do you know?" Daniel scoffs

"I didn't tell anyone I know Corbyn was alive. So only you guys know I know he's alive" I shrug my shoulders, hoping what little information I have will help

"Look" Mara pulls up a letter I got the morning before I found out Corbyn was alive.

"Leave Charlie alone" Jonah reads aloud.

"There's only one person who uses that name" Jack sighs

"Vanessa" Corbyn grabs the note from Mara's hands, looking at it further.

The group starts mumbling, coming up with a plan on what to do. Clearly Vanessa isn't who they think she is.

"Mi amor, I need you to drop Matthew off at Yere's place. She needs to babysit for a few days" Corbyn looks at me as I drop my jaw

"No way! Yere already has her daughter to take care of, she won't be able to handle two babies"

"Amor, you need to find someone to babysit him. I can't be worried about both of you during this plan"

"I- I'll find someone" I stutter out

"I'm sorry mi amor, I just want to be able to protect you both"

"Right, like you did last time" I mumble but Daniel hears me and chuckles

"Y/n, my sister is available. She can take him now and bring him back whenever we're done, okay?" Jonah smiles, looking up from his phone.

"Uh.. sure"

"Her name is Esther, she's 21. She's not in a
gang, she doesn't even know I'm in a gang" Jonah tries giving reassurance

"What does she think you do?" I question

"Nothing important" Jonah mumbles as everyone else laughs

"She thinks he's a church boy" Corbyn smiles, kissing my forehead.

"Okay, just let me go pack a bag for him" I whisper softly, holding onto Matthew a little tighter.

"Pack yourself a bag too, you're going to stay with us until this blows over"

I nod my head, going up the stairs to Matthew's room. I place him down in his crib before I pull out a bag for everything he may need. Clothes, diapers, wipes and his favourite stuffed animal.

I check on Matthew and see he's fast asleep, so I go into my room to pack a bag. I throw in a few changes of clothes, I don't need much, I'll only be a few houses down if I really need anything.

"I'm sorry mi amor" Corbyn's loud voice in my quiet room makes me jump.

"It's okay, it'll be like a giant sleepover with all of my high school bullies" I look over at Corbyn and smile, he shakes his head

"Zach is stuck in his bed, so you won't see him at all, okay? You seem to be fine with Jack and Jonah so I'll just give Daniel a little warning so you feel a little safer, okay?" Corbyn comes over to my side and helps zip up my back pack.

Corbyn looks at me for a little too long. I rest my head down, so it's looking to the floor, almost embarrassed to have him look at my face. I watch as Corbyn's hand reaches under my chin and pulls me to look up into his stormy eyes.

"You are absolutely beautiful"

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