Chapter 8

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"I see, so Gramps convinced you," Arthur commented after hearing Pasta explain his return.

"So are you nervous?" Pasta asked Arthur.

"No," Arthur replied flatly.

"Really? You're going to be the center of attention for probably half of this, in front of the whole continent," Pasta explained.

"It doesn't matter to me," Arthur said with the same tone as before.

"Well shit. Being in front of a lot of people always made me nervous," Pasta said, wiping some sweat from his forehead. "As a matter of fact, I'm feeling nervous just thinking about it." Pasta reached into his armour and pulled out an old flask. "Time for some liquid courage," Pasta said excitedly as he used this as just another excuse to drink. With just a wave of his fingers he used a wind spell to unscrew the cap and popped it off as he brought it to his lips and took a swig. "Ah that's good," Pasta said with a satisfied smile. "Care for a hit?" He asked Arthur as he held out his flask.

Arthur reached out to take the flask, but Barion got to it first.

"He's under age," Barion stated as he took the flask and stuck it into his chest plate.

"Barion give me my damned booze!" Pasta demanded.

"We are about to be seen by most of the people of Dicathen, you can at least try to stay sober," Barion replied in a superior tone.

"You think you can tell me what to do you little fuck?" Pasta's eyes narrowed as he stepped closer to Barion. "I was a lance while your old man was only a little squirt in your grandaddy's nut sack, so it'll be a cold day in hell before I do what you want, you little fire shit!"

"Woah, come on you two, we're all on the same side here," Arthur said as he stepped in between them, putting his hands out and pushing back on their chest plates. Varay and Aya were slowly stepping forward, ready to intervene if needed.

"Stay out of this!" Barion said through his teeth as he pushed Arthur away, where Lunaris and Curtis caught him.

"Hey! Don't blame him for being the mature one here!" Pasta roared.

"Then why don't you act your age old man," Barion replied angrily

"I am, I'm so old I don't give a fuck anymore. Now somebody give me a switch so I can give this boy the whooping his daddy never did," Pasta yelled ready to go toe to toe with him.

"Well here they go again," Lunaris commented with a sigh.

"So this is a normal thing for them?" Arthur asked as he firmly got back on his feet.

"Pretty much every time they meet," Curtis said with a sigh. "Now we just wait for Varay and Aya to break them up."

"I see," Arthur commented as he pulled out Pasta's flask. "I guess then nothing to do but enjoy the show." Arthur then took a hit from the flask.

"What the?! That's Pasta's!" Lunaris whispered in shock.

"Did you pick Barion's pocket?" Curtis whispered, sounding amused.

"Technically I picked his armor," Arthur replied as he offered some to Lunaris.

Lunaris shook his head, not wanting to ever try Pasta's alcohol unless it was offered by him by Pasta himself. Arthur then held it out to Curtis, as Pasta and Barion kept yelling at each other.

"Sure why not," Curtis replied as he took the flask. "Pasta always claims his personal stock is better than what we have here." Curtis then poured some of the alcohol into his mouth and swallowed. "Oh gods!" Curtis cried as he started choking. "My throat is burning!"

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