Chapter 9

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Arthur again sidestepped inside the earthen arena as he dodged another strike from his opponents staff. He tried to make it look like he was barely keeping up, but this was starting to get boring. "Why in the hell did I let myself get into this situation?"


Arthur was walking along the shoreline towards his first assignment as a lance, to support the second and fifth divisions in case any Alacryan ships decided to break off from the fleet, and move further east down the coast. Arthur could see the encampment at the base of a cliff, with rock formations between them and the ocean that would provide excellent protection from any attacks by sea.

Sylvie poked her head out from Arthur's wool cloak to check their surroundings, before ducking back inside where it was warmer.

"Hmm, so mighty dragons are weak against the cold," Arthur teased.

"Very funny, but this isn't like that monster catching game. Real dragons have no weaknesses," Sylvie said with pride. "I just don't like the cold."

Using the method he learned of controlling his input and output of mana, Arthur was able to completely hide his presence as he entered the camp. With an arm full of firewood Arthur navigated his way through the camp in search of the division Captain's tent. As he walked he saw augmenters sharpening their swords, while conjurers were polishing the gems in their staffs and wands. They all noticed him, but either paid him little attention or looked down on him as if he were a joke, since because of Arthur concealing his presence and his plain looking clothes, he looked just like a normal poor sixteen year old human that ran off to join the war.

"If only they knew, they'd be bowing and kissing your boots," Sylvie commented feeling annoyed at the way they were looking at him.

"No thanks, I never want to live like that again," Arthur replied, referencing his previous life. "I like walking among everyone like this. It gives you a better idea of their character."

Finally Arthur caught sight of the captain's tent, and started walking right for it.

"State your business," the guard outside the tent demanded as Arthur approached.

"I'm here to see the captain," Arthur stated as he showed his ring, that signified he was a Lance.

The guard opened his mouth to speak as he stood taller at attention, but no words came out.

"You can refer to me as sir, but do not call me general. For the time being I'm trying to maintain a low profile," Arthur explained, then waved his hand to remove the localized sound spell.

"Yes sir," the guard replied as he lifted the tent flap.

The warm air from inside the tent greeted Arthur and Sylvie, causing Sylvie to jump out, as Arthur recognized the captain diligently working behind the desk.

"Good evening Professor Glory," Arthur greeted with a smile, getting her attention.

"Good evening to you too General Leywin," she replied as she stood up from her desk and walked over to him.

"Please don't, it feels too weird for one of my professors to call me something so formal. Just call me Arthur."

"Alright Arthur," she outstretched her arm. "Then you can call me Vanesy." She then took Arthur into a hug.

"Alright Vanesy," Arthur said as she released him. "How about giving me a quick situation report."

"Alright, currently it's only my division of three thousand, with fifty-eight being mages. Captain Graves should arrive either later tonight or in the morning with close to as many troops."

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