Chapter 23

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"Kathyln, Hester, thank you both for all of your help," Arthur said as they stood at the beast stable, ready to leave back for The Wall.

With the conclusion of Arthur's training everyone had their duties to return to. Just a little bit ago they said their goodbyes to Elder Camus as he returned to Elenoir through the teleportation gate. Lunaris joined him, as that particular gate was closer than any other to the dungeon his unit was operating in.

They all expected Buhnd to be returning to Darv, but learned he was instead staying as the Darv representative on the council. Apparently he was actually the first choice after the previous king and queen were killed by the Asura as traitors. However Rahdeas held a higher position in Darv, so they didn't want to cause potential friction that could affect Darv's cooperation in the war.

"You are welcome Arthur, I feel it was beneficial for me as well," Kathyln replied.

"Yes you are very welcome, and if you feel like you could use some more training, don't hesitate to ask," Hester added, a big smile plastered on her face.

"And don't you ever hesitate to reach out if you ever feel like you want a duel. The other Lances are always out on missions so it's hard to find strong opponents."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Kathyln then mounted Llyr and pulled a pair of goggles down over her eyes, as Hester mounted another bird like mana beast. With a flap of its wings Llyr let out a frigid gust of air as it left the ground and flew out of the stable, Hester and her beast going right beside them.

With the goodbyes out of the way Arthur proceeded back to the teleportation gate for the next item on the day's agenda. Upon arriving he sees Ellie and Boo waiting for him, right on schedule.

"Good morning dear sister," Arthur greeted bright eyed and fully awake.

Ellie looked over to him as she yawned. "It's too early to be a good morning." Arthur chuckled at her response. "How is it that you can be so hard to wake up, yet be so awake this early, especially after being up so late last night?"

"I believe I'm what people call a morning person," Arthur replied with a smile, continuing to taunt her a bit.

"You are too happy," Ellie accused. A devious smile formed on her face. "This wouldn't have anything to do with Tess leaving your room this morning would it?"

The banquet last night was a massive feast with large amounts of alcohol, all supposedly paid for by Elder Buhnd. Everyone feasted on rare delicacies that made Arthur feel a bit guilty considering they were at war. Nevertheless he and everyone else enjoyed themselves into the late hours of the night. Many of them showed considerable moderation in their alcohol consumption, except for Blaine who had to be carried back to his room by two knights.

Tess partook in the alcohol as well and tried to keep up with Arthur's pace. The problem was that she had a very low alcohol tolerance, and Arthur was drinking like he did in his previous life. This was a problem for Arthur, because he now weighed nearly one hundred pounds less, and had barely drank any alcohol in this life. This resulted in both of them getting rather drunk, not as bad as Blaine, but enough to make them feel more relaxed, and honest.

Shortly after the banquet they found themselves in Arthur's room making out intensely, until Tess eventually passed out. When she awoke she found herself fully clothed with her arm out of the dresses single strap. Arthur was topless and spooning her with his arms wrapped around her waist. She of course was excited by this development, but didn't want Arthur to feel guilty that he took advantage of her in her drunken state. She tried to leave but Arthur pulled her back, asking her to "please stay a little longer."

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