Chapter 20

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"Kathyln, pack your things, we're leaving for the floating castle in the morning," Hester instructed with an almost excited tone.

"Why?" Kathyln asked, in a stern almost defensive tone, fearing her parents were trying to force her back to the castle.

It had taken a great deal of effort on her part to be able to take part in the war, as both her parents were highly against it. Despite all of her hard work, they both still saw her as a delicate flower. This view was partly formed from the years of self induced seclusion she put herself in, preventing anyone from seeing how skilled she was. Seeing as she was now at the dark yellow stage, it was clear that she was powerful, but power doesn't equal skill.

If her skills had been evaluated before her summer break they would have been clean and well practiced, but also textbook and predictable. Her summer as an adventure was just as valuable as all the hours spent learning about and practicing magic back in the palace and Xyrus Academy. The real world experience showed her the importance of being fluid and thinking outside the box with her spells. This made her truly a battle mage with skills worthy of her core level.

"I just received word from Commander Virion, he wants me to come to the castle to help General Leywin with his training," Hester explained, sounding more like an excited child than someone of her advanced age.

"You're going to help Arthur?" Lilia commented surprised.

"Oh Lilia dear, I didn't realize you were here. I hope your trip was safe," Hester replied, finally realizing she was there.

"Her trip was fine," Kathyln answered. "Now what is this about you needing to help Arthur train? And why do I have to go?"

"Apparently this was the General's request. He's asked for conjurors of each affinity to help with his training. As for you, well you are a capable mage, so you'll be covering the water affinity for his training. This way I can do my job and help him at the same time," Hester replied with a smile bigger than either of the girls had ever seen before.

"Well you seem excited," Lilia commented as she took a sip of tea.

"Of course. How often does one get the chance to impart their wisdom to a Lance, to help strengthen one of our greatest mages on the continent," she replied as she poured herself a glass of tea.

"Well didn't the council say that technically anyone could become a Lance?" Lilia questioned. "As powerful and prestigious as the house of Flamsworth is, I'm sure you'd have a candidate eventually."

"That's true, but to teach someone from the ground up and teach someone already so powerful are two very different things. The fact that he doesn't have any specific family mana arts like so many noble families, means most of his spells are of his own creation, so who knows how far he'll be able to take my lessons, or even adapt it into his fighting style. Not to mention the pride of knowing a student of mine will be using my lessons to fight Alacrya's most powerful mages," Hester's smile grew even more as it also showed some pride.


After a little less than a week, Lilia had returned to Kalberk, and was walking down a stone path along a large field at Lancer Academy. In the corner of the field closest to Lilia, was a pond and about a dozen students who were running an obstacle course atop a variety of mana beasts, as Curtis barked orders from Grawder's back.

"Come on, pick up the pace! We have a month before winter break, and I want to see you all moving with speed and confidence!" Curtis yelled, as Lilia took a seat on a bench by the pond.

The students and beasts were trying to treat the obstacle course as a race, moving as fast as they could from one obstacle to the next. One student riding a green and black boar like mana beast, was trying to jump from platform to platform over the pond in the field, but unfortunately the boar slipped and the two fell ten feet into the water.

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