Chapter 12

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Sylvie approached the floating castle with Arthur riding on her back, after tracking the Alacryan troops to their point of origin. A dozen soldiers mounted on flying mana beasts took up a defensive position between Sylvie and the Castle. Upon realizing who they were, the guards quickly formed two columns, creating a path to the castle's aerial entrance.

"Welcome back General Leywin!" The soldiers said in unison as they saluted. Arthur weakly returned the salute.

Sylvie continued as a massive set of double doors opened, revealing what looked like a cross between a hanger bay and a stable. Along the walls were pens, several of which still had additional flying beasts in them resting or eating before their shift. There was also what looked like a short runway, as well as a landing area, where Sylvie was heading.

Before Sylvie landed there were multiple medics wearing white and green robes that were clearly waiting for them. As soon as they saw Sylvie approaching the doors they sprang into action. As Sylvie landed half a dozen elves, dwarves, and humans rushed forward with what appeared to be a gurney.

"I need to see the commander immediately," Arthur demanded as he fought to keep his eyes open.

"I'm sorry General, but the commander has yet to return. He left with Captains Glory and Graves along with General Aya several hours ago," one of the medics replied as Arthur dismounted Sylvie, his landing wobbly.

"What about Adler, where is he?"

"No one ever knows where he is."

"Fine," Arthur turned back towards Sylvie to climb back onto her back. "Come on Sylv, we need to go back now."

However Sylvie disagreed, and showed this by returning to her white fox form. "His body is full of injuries," Sylvie said aloud, startling everyone. "But the biggest problem is the toxic mana flowing through his body, it's keeping him from healing properly."

"Traitor," Arthur breathed out.

"General please, if there is a toxin in your body, who knows what kind of long term effects it could have if not treated," another medic pleaded.

"Fine," Arthur conceded. He turned to get onto the gurney, but before one hand could touch it his legs began to buckle. "Fuck," Arthur stated, before crashing to the ground as he blacked out.


"You're doing good," Tess praised.

"Thanks," Claire replied, as she poured some diced roots into a pot that was hanging over a fire. "I really appreciate the cooking lessons."

"Don't mention it. Besides, I owe you for all the sword lessons you gave me when we came out here," Tess replied graciously. "Although I am curious, why do you want to learn how to cook? Tom and Theo already seem to be pretty good at it."

"I'm just tired of everyone always talking bad about my cooking," she replied as she carefully added some herbs.

"They've been saying that for years, why do you care now all of a sudden?" Tess asked with a knowing smirk.

"What's with that smirk?" Claire shot back quickly. "I think you're getting the wrong idea here." She then refocused on her lunch.

"Well they do say, "the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." So if that was your intention..." Tess teased.

"It's not!" Claire practically shouted, then recomposed herself. "And why did you learn to cook?" She asked in an accusatory tone. "Was it to try and win the heart of a certain Quadraelemental?"

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