Chapter 10

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"Gahhh, too bright," Arthur groaned as he pulled his cloak, which he was using as a blanket, over his eyes. After last night's drinking, the sixteen year old Lance found himself lying on a rocky cliff overlooking the camp, while his head throbbed.

Suddenly his cloak was ripped from him, exposing him to the painfully bright sun.

"Good morning General!" Vanesy's voice rang out, louder than needed.

"Too loud! Too bright!" Arthur complained as he covered his eyes with his hands.

"Did someone have too much fun last night?" Vanesy asked in a mocking tone.

Arthur looked up and glared at her with his hands cupped around his eyes. "Don't you dare make some comment about drinking at my age. And I order you to give me back my blanket!"

"Sorry General, but I can't do that. Captain Graves arrived and as the ranking officer, you need to meet with him."

"No thanks. I could barely tolerate his son when I was sober."

"I have Java tea brewing in my tent." She said in an enticing voice.

Arthur perked up and glared at her suspiciously. "Don't mess with me."

She then tossed him one of the beans. He examined the bean, sniffed it, and took a bite of it. "Are you angling for a promotion or something, because if you are you'll have my support."

Vanesy laughed a bit. "Hurry up, I'll have a cup waiting for you." She then turned around and walked away.

"Fifteen minutes," Arthur yelled.

He sat up and looked around, as he wondered how he ended up on the cliff.

"You are really an annoying drunk you know."

"Even too loud in my head," Arthur complained as he held his head.

"You're lucky you have me," Sylvie commented as she emerged from the tree line in her dragon form. "You nearly announced to the whole camp that you're a Lance."

"Thanks Sylv." Arthur looked around. "So where can I wash up?


After close to fifteen minutes and a visit to a stream to wash his face, Arthur entered the tent, to see Vanesy and Captain Graves. Sylvie was warming up in Arthur's cloak, but as soon as they entered the warm tent, she jumped out and stretched.

Captain Graves stood beside Vanesy perfectly straight with his hands behind his back. He looked to be half a foot taller than Vanesy, with his hair mostly grey and slicked back, without even a single strand out of place. Contrary to Vanesy who was wearing her light armor, Captain Graves wore what looked like a formal military dress uniform, making him look like he was going to a military ball rather than a battlefield.

"General Leywin, may I introduce Captain Graves," Vanesy said, hoping this meeting between them went well as she also held out the Java Tea she promised Arthur.

"A pleasure to meet you Captain," Arthur greeted as he walked up and extended one hand to the captain, while taking his tea with the other.

Graves looked to Arthur, who was just a little shorter than Vanesy, but instead of tilting his head down to look at him, he merely moved his eyes as if he was looking down at a servant. "The pleasure is mine General," Graves replied, leaving Arthur's hand hanging.

Vanesy noticed this and immediately felt uncomfortable as Captain Graves was disrespecting Arthur's status as general.

"Well now we know where Clive got his charming personality," Arthur commented to Sylvie.

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