Chapter 31

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"KOF KOF," Arthur coughed as a mixture of water and blood shot out of his mouth.

"I was sinking, someone from the trailblazers must have pulled me out," Arthur thought as he started breathing again. "So happy they know CPR in this world," Arthur continued as he remembered pressure being applied to his chest when he regained consciousness.

"That was fun," Arthur said before his eyes opened. "Let's do that..."

Arthur froze as he saw a beautiful horned woman standing over him. He had seen her before, underground in Darv and remembered the event instantly, she was a Scythe. Arthur bucked to try and get to his feet to fight, but the pain from his injuries and black lash from his core forced him back down.

"I'm surprised you had enough strength for that," she commented.

"Why did you save me?" Arthur asked, trying to sound strong, but failed.

She then pulled out a small bottle of a light blue liquid.

"Drink this."

"Normally people introduce themselves before giving someone a drink."

"Seris. Now drink, it will heal you."

"Yeah I don't believe that. I don't know what that is, but I'll take my chances without."

Seris' left eye twitched with annoyance, then poured the liquid into her mouth. She knelt down beside Arthur, pinched his nose, forced his mouth open, and smashed her mouth onto his as she forced the liquid into his mouth. Arthur tried to resist, but was too weak. Soon the need for air was too great, and he swallowed the liquid.

"You held out for quite a bit," Seris commented as she pulled away from him. "One might have thought you enjoyed my lips on you." A small smirk formed on her face.

Arthur opened his mouth to reply, but stopped as he instantly felt hot, then cold. His wounds started tingling, he forced himself to the seated position and was able to watch as the once inch wide holes in his thigh completely healed.

"Like I said, it was to heal you."

"Why?" Arthur asked suspiciously.

"Because you need to get stronger," she replied, then walked off.

"Care to elaborate?" Arthur asked, in hopes of getting as much information as possible.

But she didn't reply, and continued walking towards a large hunk of ice. Only now did Arthur take in his surroundings. He was still underwater, but something was holding it out in a dome shape about the size of his former home in Ashber. Dawns Ballad was laying beside him, so he picked it up and tried to force himself to his feet. Despite the wounds being healed everything still ached as he tried to move. Finally he was standing, and was now able to identify the hunk of ice as Uto's frozen corpse, with both of his arms missing.

"I was quite impressed that you defeated him. Uto was nearly strong enough to be considered a Scythe."

"So he is dead right?"

Seris grabbed both of Uto's horns and ripped one off his head, then looked back to Arthur.

"He is," she replied, then ripped off the second one, before turning to Arthur and throwing them to him.

Arthur caught them both, and eyed them suspiciously, then up at her with the same suspicion.

"Vritra horns possess a great deal of mana. Use these to get stronger," Seris explained.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?"

"Most people would say thank you after receiving a gift," Seris jabbed.

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