Chapter 35

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Outside the wall claws ripped through armor and flesh, blades slashed and spells cracked, and soldiers and adventurers cried out for help as they battled the horde of mutated mana beasts. To buy more time for the needed preparations to enact Arthur's plan, he and Sylvie left to intercept the horde and do as much damage as they could. Senior Captain Flamesworth took advantage of Arthur's absence and fell back to his original plan, sending wave after wave of soldiers and adventurers to fight the beasts.

His excuse, he claimed that Arthur didn't fully grasp the importance of the Wall, and the harm it would cause to the war to sacrifice even a portion of it. In actuality he was working with a group of nobles to essentially abandon Dicathen and wall themselves off from the war, and sacrificing most of the soldiers was needed for this plan. Knowing there was a plan that wouldn't have sacrificed so many lives was being abandoned left the other captains furious, but without Arthur, the only one who not only held the authority but the backbone to stand up to him, they just grit their teeth and followed their orders.

They had hoped Arthur would have returned to stop the madness, but that wasn't going to happen. While battling the horde Arthur felt a sudden surge of mana coming from Elenoir. When he and Sylvie flew up to investigate they could see some kind of mana trail leading through the forest to the wall that protected the kingdom. Knowing he had bought enough time and that his plan would save thousands of lives, he left to aid in Elenoir's defense.

Currently outside the wall, Lilia was being surrounded by three rotating twisters, each powerful enough to rip even a B ranked beast to shreds. The spell was a perfect balance of offense and defense, with little drain on her core. All she needed to do was maintain her concentration, and occasionally cast another spell to either deal with stronger beasts or send one into a twister if it managed to get past them.

Her heart raced with fear as she saw so many dying around her. Having lost sight of the Twin Horns long ago, she prayed that they were alright. As she focused on a larger beast that was fighting against her twisters, a stray spell managed to make it through and collide with the ground by her feet. Lilia was sent flying through the air, slamming into a mountain elephant before falling to the ground. Suffering from the shock of the blast, Lilia rolled to her back, the whole world spinning around her, leaving her unable to move even as she saw the elephant's massive foot coming down towards her.

Before the foot could crush her though it suddenly moved away as its trunk trumpeted, followed by the ground shaking with a loud thud.

"Lilia!" A voice rang out.

A royal blue bird flying relatively close to the ground flew over her, as a person jumped off. Seconds later a cold hand touched her forehead and everything stopped spinning.

"Lilia are you ok?" Kathyln asked in a panic as her face came into view.

"Kathyln?" Lilia questioned as she started to push herself back up. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving you. We need to get you out of here now!" She said urgently.

Lilia got to her feet, only to nearly fall back down as her head began to throb.

"It looks like you hit your head pretty hard, we need to go," Kathyln said as she hooked Lilia's arm around her neck and began to help her walk back to the wall.

Lilia looked over at the mountain elephant, and saw it impaled by five ice spears. Lilia heard the roars of mana beasts behind them, and spun around ready to cast a spell to fight. But instead saw a pack of deer wolves bleeding out on the ground. Llyr cried out and flapped his wings, sending down a storm of ice shards that ripped through another group of beasts.

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